The one and only Pop Queen, Carly Rae Jepsen, just dropped a new album, for any of you pop fans/Carly Rae stans, this one is definitely worth a listen. She is not just the Call Me Maybe Girl, She is literally one of the best current pop artists out there and she has developed quite the cult following over the years!
night_dude t1_it6c9i5 wrote
New Carly, Arctic Monkeys and T Swift on the same day. Pop heaven.
AshesandCinder t1_it6exep wrote
Such a great album. The 4 singles really painted a weird picture, but it ended up flowing together so well.
misterspokes t1_it6mo04 wrote
I might have to dust off Boy Problems and run a game at this rate.
Foolish_Twerp t1_it6o942 wrote
I see no lie.
shadowdra126 t1_it6ppfv wrote
Eating good today
[deleted] t1_it6qg3y wrote
Putrid-Potato-7456 t1_it6r9q8 wrote
Naw, this is just the average r/popheads user. We love ourselves some Carly.
Conker2908 t1_it6se4q wrote
Emotion is one of the best albums ever released by a female artist.
jeffe_el_jefe t1_it6vtw3 wrote
The new Monkeys record is pretty much the furthest thing from pop lol
[deleted] t1_it6y6nt wrote
ge93 t1_it6z7ui wrote
She’s well-loved on the biggest pop music subreddit and she’s critically acclaimed.
Obviously, the average person can name 1 maybe 2 of her songs, but her music is great.
Cancer4TheCure t1_it70erl wrote
"Talking to Yourself" is legitimately one of the most fun, catchy pop songs I've heard in years. Great record, she's done it again.
Hiccup t1_it71hm0 wrote
Absolutely. Emotion is a certified classic. If there was justice in the world, carly rae jepsen would get significantly more airplay. That said, I hear her all the time when I go shopping or to hotels, etc. Eventually radio will catch up.
CarlHaglin t1_it72ika wrote
She’s fantastic live
LineChef t1_it72lv5 wrote
She should feel thankful she was privileged enough to have heard you.
hk403 t1_it72ogw wrote
it’s such a banger
zoinkability t1_it74qvl wrote
Have you heard Lulu
Foolish_Twerp t1_it78npp wrote
The Swifties are ANNOYED today.
Free-form_Suffering t1_it79en9 wrote
Nope, that's Lana Del Rey. Funny thing is that Radiohead 'stole' it from The Hollies.
Legitimate_Web_7245 t1_it79ujj wrote
LWY007 t1_it7am6s wrote
That’s right. Thank you. And, really! Huh! Imma have to give that a listen.
SamuraiJackBauer t1_it7bbp3 wrote
Warm Blood.
Fantastic song.
TheDVAismadinVA t1_it7c91m wrote
*an artist period
Shadowbanned24601 t1_it7eukj wrote
Brave releasing an album the same day as Taylor Swift, you have to imagine there's a lot of overlap in the fanbase
Geojewd t1_it7fnf5 wrote
That bassline is perfection
TalentedHostility t1_it7i98y wrote
Bruh don't get me started on that album...
Btw because of this post im checking out CRJ and never would have originally. Delightfully surprised!
traincrossingatmalta t1_it7is7x wrote
Have been following all the singles and the day is finally here! Carly never disappoints!
jhossuah t1_it7jj98 wrote
Swifties: is this an Easter egg? 🤔
totallypooping t1_it7k3du wrote
I Can no longer tell what is real and what is satire anymore
Funksultan t1_it7m9hk wrote
(*) Subjectively
RathVelus t1_it7nb67 wrote
Brave, or epically bad decision making by the label? If it weren't for this post I wouldn't have even known.
That being said, I will be merging Midnights and The Loneliest Time into a playlist for the drive home.
Csherman92 t1_it7r54y wrote
I’m sorry but she is not the pop queen. If anyone is the pop queen, it’s Madonna or Britney Spears.
HyliaSymphonic t1_it7rh3g wrote
She had the date first
Bookworm_Hairstylist t1_it7s5ui wrote
That's what I'm saying!! She can be good, but she is FAR from one and only!
Icantlikeeveryone t1_it7t0vj wrote
7.5/10 for me. One of the reasons I love Carly is her production. There is this kind of little voice distortion in her songs that suits my taste a lot.
TuckerRamsey t1_it7tihh wrote
The Loneliest Midnights
desenpai t1_it7tkd8 wrote
Literally one of the best?! Lol 😂
nnksi t1_it7wxm6 wrote
That’s funny, because Swift was the surprise release to me today.
nulspace t1_it7xve6 wrote
Paint a picture for me boy, with the skies forever blue
My wife looking at me like ಠ_ಠ
AlGeee t1_it7z2zm wrote
I’m thinking Madonna
M-atthew147s t1_it808uu wrote
And how many best albums are there released ever???
slippin_park t1_it82vqn wrote
AAAAAAAA yessss my queen is at it again <333333333
failedlogic t1_it83qnz wrote
It features rufus wainwright in the title track!
spacepopstar t1_it842o7 wrote
this is the only track i’ve had one repeat!
SuperVillageois t1_it84tex wrote
Yeah, but she's got Rufus on her side. Who does Taylor have, Lana Del something? Never heard of her.
dance_apoptosistic t1_it87vmc wrote
If you like what you hear, Emotion and Dedicated, and their respective sides B are all pop perfection
ScreenNo571 t1_it88jff wrote
I never comment, but wanted to say how awful she is
kvetcha-rdt t1_it89jne wrote
Her shows are insanely fun
MegaEvolvedLady t1_it8b2yn wrote
Taylor and Carly have made my grueling flight schedule today so much better!
lacetourniquet t1_it8bb75 wrote
I’m seeing her live tonight! Perfect timing. 😌
Shadowbanned24601 t1_it8cv4h wrote
Bit of a different genre but there's a new Arctic Monkeys album today too.
An all round good day
Altruistic_Profit_15 t1_it8dthl wrote
I wouldnt call her the queen
But definitely a princess
heyyougimmethat t1_it8fapv wrote
sherbodude t1_it8i548 wrote
If I don't get this house I'm hoping to get, maybe I'll go, there is a show coming up soon
changamerges t1_it8nagr wrote
CRJ captures feelings—from euphoria to anxiety to disappointment to tranquility—in a way very few musicians can. And the fact that she’s so under-appreciated makes her even more of an icon.
RathVelus t1_it8tjlw wrote
Announced or actually had it first. The labels know more than the public. It would be surprising to learn that they didn’t have some idea Swift was dropping on the same date. Possible though.
oliasawokefromadream t1_it8uwn7 wrote
I think the new Carly Rae album is pop perfection, which is saying something given how amazing her previous two releases were. Her music is like a happiness pill for me.
ChooseCorrectAnswer t1_it8ya5j wrote
New Tegan & Sara album as well. However, and I say this as someone that loved everything from So Jealous (2004) through Sainthood (2009), the new album is pretty forgettable stuff. I have to take a mini-roadtrip later today, and I am looking forward to instead listening to the new Arctic Monkeys and Carly Rae Jepsen albums
night_dude t1_it8yme6 wrote
Like this other guy said, make your way back to Dedicated and particularly Emotion when you're ready. They're classics.
ChooseCorrectAnswer t1_it8yq9n wrote
Yeah, same experience. I saw her perform at Lollapalooza several years ago, and the crowd was almost comically diverse, which was a really cool thing to see. Any person can appreciate the queen of pop. Also, she put on a great show.
bondegezou t1_it9613e wrote
With former Yes member Trevor Rabin on guitar
SuburbanPotato t1_it96qgd wrote
Can we talk about how Go Find Yourself or Whatever because it's one of my favorite songs of this year
RathVelus t1_it9b7cu wrote
Can confirm that they don’t jive. But they’re both great. Carly is a great way to rebound from Swift, though.
theliver t1_it9cny4 wrote
Arent we east bay folk lucky to get the release day concert?
Itll be my third time and im just as pumped as the others (san fran '16, osaka '19, now berkeley '22)
partyandpoptarts t1_it9eo4k wrote
I've never felt more seen. My fiance constantly giving me the side-eye in the car when this banger (or any other CRJ really) comes on.
lacetourniquet t1_it9esu0 wrote
Hell yea, see you at the greek theater!!
adjective____noun t1_it9m9la wrote
Tegan and Sara too
OneReportersOpinion t1_it9ur0g wrote
America’s sweetheart
jakevalerybloom t1_it9w4bs wrote
The ONE AND ONLY QUEEN OF POP???? Haven’t heard a single song other than call me maybe. Is she prolific? Is she even good?? Bold statement
sephjy t1_it9xusn wrote
If you want more 80s pop/alt bangers, check her album Emotion and Emotion Side B! Then check Dedicated and Dedicated Side B for 80s funk/pop vibe!
sephjy t1_it9y1jp wrote
Did you listened to Dedicated and its Side B?
sephjy t1_it9yc90 wrote
Do consider to give Dedicated and its Side B album a listen as well! Also Emotion has its Side B companion that is almost the same quality as the album itself, please check it out as well!
thehotsister t1_itaajwy wrote
I think a very young person must have posted this lol
desenpai t1_itaermv wrote
But like carly is old, even more confused!! Tbf im old too 31
KimberParoo t1_itafvi0 wrote
The Loneliest Time (the single) has been all I’ve listened to since it’s release, and now this album already has me in a chokehold 😭
Pacot33 t1_itaiq67 wrote
Dude same, and I'm a pretty big fan of heartthrob and love you too death as well. It just didn't really hit this time around I guess
[deleted] t1_itb8fs8 wrote
CR24752 t1_itd1pv8 wrote
Carly is also signed to Scooter’s label so there might be a little beef there?
CR24752 t1_itd1vxf wrote
Yep! And the Raycists are mad about Lana only doing background vocals lol
CR24752 t1_itd2397 wrote
Her fanbase is smallish but we’re basically a fun cult
CR24752 t1_itd2fkb wrote
True. Carly is still actually signed to Scooter’s label so maybe she’s
SuperVillageois t1_itd6ziw wrote
Ha, honestly I was a bit disapointed too. While listening to the album for the first time, I kept waiting for their duo, not realizing I had already heard it ><
[deleted] t1_itf7nan wrote
CR24752 t1_ituucx1 wrote
Pop is such a vague genre.
hanky2 t1_it6ap9g wrote
I think the people that listen to Carly are listening to T Swift right now lol.