
Legitimate_Web_7245 t1_j2f2laf wrote

Still a huge DLR fan but not from his live performances. When he and SH went on tour I was looking forward to a great show from both of them. Well, SH wiped the stage with DLR. Sammy came on first and put on a tremendous show. DLR came on and after it was over, I thought he should hang it up. That was 20 years ago. His voice was a lot better than when he got back with VH but you could tell the damage was done. I wouldn't have went to a VH concert if tickets were free back when DLR was back in the band.


Legitimate_Web_7245 t1_j2dfhlr wrote

I personally don't hate them but I've never bought their albums. The songs they are known for are good. The ones that they had when they started. But after that , for me at least, they became too full of themselves and seemed to try too hard to be something they are not.


Legitimate_Web_7245 t1_j1yxt9k wrote

You may believe they are and that is perfectly fine. I do not share your belief but that is ok too. As was mentioned, Led Zeppelin is always part of the best band conversation. As are the Beatles. Anyway, please continue enjoying Nirvana.


Legitimate_Web_7245 t1_j12d79n wrote

Man, I'll tell ya, I've got a kind of love hate thing going on with reddit in general. And I agree, they are annoying. Interesting you say that as I'm starting to get into the habit of just scrolling past them because if all the garbage people think is good. I'm certainly no expert at it and I'm not an artist like you are but I know good when I see it and will comment when it's great. But it is seldom great.


Legitimate_Web_7245 t1_j12b0zn wrote

I mean, good Lord man, that's incredible! I could totally see that as a full back. You have some incredible talent! I'm subbed to one of the tat subs and some stuff people post is far beyond me how they think it's good. Eye of the beholder I guess and it's true that skin is different than anything else but THIS is excellent!!