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NosyargKcid t1_iu77vmn wrote

It's hard to know what's exactly "wrong" without actually hearing you try it. Are you struggling to count eighth/sixteenth notes? If so, try counting to songs you already know without playing. Just listen to your favorite music & count them the whole way through. Also try switching it up between measures. Try counting a measure in quarters, then switch to eighths for the next measure, quarters for the next, then in sixteenths. Going back & forth between the two could help you identify them better & keep time

EX) 1 - - - 2 - - - 3 - - - 4 - - - | 1 - & - 2 - & - 3 - & - 4 - & - |1 - - - 2 - - - 3 - - - 4 - - - |1 E & A 2 E & A 3 E & A 4 E & A | (repeat)


Achilles-Calm-Down OP t1_iu78jpg wrote

Yeah, that’s probably a part of the problem, I also randomly slow down and speed up without noticing. And when I use a metronome, I’ll be behind or ahead without being able to tell. I’ll try out the counting to a song thing, that might help.


NosyargKcid t1_iu795m8 wrote

> I also randomly slow down and speed up without noticing.

Again, without hearing I could be way off, but what I'm guessing is that you're counting the "rhythm" as opposed to the beat. Maybe counting a down beat as an upbeat because it "feels" right. Would definitely try counting your favorite songs & just getting that down ad nauseam. Another thing would be if you're counting, clap or tap something to get that physical feeling as well of doing so. It will help it translate when you're not focusing on counting but still have the beat going on somewhere in your extremities.