phuncky t1_iu0xqu1 wrote
Search "just for you mix". There are a lot of playlists.
blissfulthrowaway t1_iu122o6 wrote
Calm Dogs Mix.
Dogs Calming Mix.
Dogs Pet Calming Mix.
I must have searched once for music to help my dog figure fireworks out, and now I am gifted with this kind of variety. (Dogs Classic Classical Mix, Dogs Classical Dinner Mix, Relaxing Dogs Mix, Dogs Calming Instrumental Mix, Soothing Dogs Mix, Dogs Guided Meditation Mix,...)
If you scroll slow enough, the page just keeps loading, so I don't think there is an end to the algorithm attempting to satisfy your every need... nor my dog's obviously very stressful life.
harglblarg t1_iu15rbp wrote
I leave soft classical music on for the dog when we're out which really skews my recommendations.
ZodiarkTentacle t1_iu1qshr wrote
This is exactly why I got the family account so my wife can put her white noise and dog music on it without it destroying my recommended
purplewigg t1_iu26fj3 wrote
You've just reminded me christmas is coming up, hooo boy that's going to screw my recs up for a few months
PM_ME_ROCK t1_iu39yyr wrote
my dog is super chill and makes the dopest mixes. he thanks you for your listening to his playlists.
titsandtoots t1_iu16u1e wrote
I've got all the dog calming playlists saved in my library. A whole folder of just dog calming playlists. There's so many.
Billy_Does_Things t1_iu0z32r wrote
Whaaaat, thanks!!
Idk why this isnt on their front page of their App/Website.
blissfulthrowaway t1_iu12axi wrote
Possibly because these non-curated, algorithm/thesaurus hit-list mixes aren't particularly good? It would train people to ignore them outright.
I've noticed the design of these auto mixes a couple months ago. They'll turn up in certain searches now a little more persistently.
Billy_Does_Things t1_iu14040 wrote
Idk, mine are pretty decent for my tastes, but I do use Spotify a lot so it might help if you have a bigger sample to pull from.
heroinsteve t1_iu1n0va wrote
Mine can be super random. Listen to a song 100 times and it won't pop up on any related mixes. My son listens to 13 different versions of the lego ninjago themesong once and I got 5 playlist mixes for the damn thing.
darkeststar t1_iu3jshq wrote
Mine are almost always an ouroboros, as Spotify just seems to take whatever playlists I already listen to and then sort them into common-denominator auto mixes, using the exact songs from those playlists.
WildExpressions t1_iu4bur5 wrote
The mixes are good for what the name of it is. What does goblin mix even mean? But listen to the goblin mix and you will be like hmm yup this is a goblin mix.
HailToTheThief225 t1_iu178ef wrote
Unrelated but is anyone else's front page on the app now just a long list? It's really unintuitive yet I can't find other people complaining about it. Also seems like my daily mixes have completely reset and have nothing to do with my listening habits
fanklok t1_iu19zbw wrote
Yes, what the fuck is up with that. I can't even find my daily mixes anymore.
bakinjake t1_iu24l4u wrote
Click search and there should be a made for you button
HailToTheThief225 t1_iu57oop wrote
How were we supposed to find that lol. I have no idea why they don't just put it back on the front page.
RockemChalkemRobot t1_iu12ndy wrote
>Songs for when you just want to fucking scream cry and die
Do whhhhhat?
les-consultant1 t1_iu13yz8 wrote
User made it seems
RockemChalkemRobot t1_iu1gtcd wrote
I don't listen to any real downtrodden music though. And I know I didn't personally make it. I just scrolled through pages and pages.
isxvirt t1_iu1h4vc wrote
They mean made by a different user
Salzberger t1_iu270dj wrote
Not "made for you". That's someone else's public playlist that your search terms were similar enough to.
Chipotle_Armadillo t1_iu4uyhr wrote
Oh God, the icon for it is my phone's background...
rocketscientology t1_iu2kawq wrote
these are hilarious. some highlights from mine: sad crying mix, tamil devotional mix, and something called a ‘discofox mix’
IgnobleGentleman t1_iu32dne wrote
Discofox is a dance popular in Germany, so maybe songs good for dancing to?
tendollarstd t1_iu155nj wrote
I've seen these populate before but never knew there were so many! Thanks stranger!
shorty11857 t1_iu11ild wrote
This is insane, I had no idea
OHaggis t1_iu18nea wrote
you are a god...
burritobilly t1_iu121tt wrote
Holy shit how did I not know this
snekbat t1_iu3p2jg wrote
Some highlights from mine
"Angry Hyperpop Mix"
"Baby Music Dance Party Mix"
"Relaxing Rainforest Forest Mix"
"Country Football Mix"
ro9ce t1_iu1ktja wrote
Thanks, that’s a great tip. I’m so dumb and 45 I don’t know about some things anymore :)
Ghosts-of-Tom-Joad t1_iu29lrw wrote
AnagramToast t1_iu1ex77 wrote
Hmm, I get boring results, just typical names like Chill, Pop, Cleaning, Smooth etc. :/
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