Submitted by Ok-Impress-2222 t3_z13aq4 in Music

Those of you who have pets, obviously.

But I just thought of this now. So, have you ever put on a song for your pet to enjoy? Or even played it yourself?

And if so, how was the experience? (For the pet. But for you as well.)



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cynical_genx_man t1_ix8r2n1 wrote

Pretty much the only audience I ever have whenever I play guitar or ukulele are my two dogs. Well, maybe the squirrels and birds too if I'm in the backyard during the summer.

The effect isn't very huge. None of them join in (they probably don't know the words), but then again none of them run away either, so I guess I'm not too bad.

Every once in a while I'll get that head tilt from one of my dogs when I try and get a bit gnarly - like he's telling me to settle down a bit. But that's it.


Coda_039 t1_ix8vftg wrote

I had a leopard gecko that would always come out of his cave whenever I played Rage Against the Machine. Once the song ended, he’d go back.


Rodrat t1_ix8otxj wrote

My dogs don't seem to care about music. In fact one of my dogs always tries to make me stop. Lol


[deleted] t1_ix8plrv wrote

Yes, my pets all have favourite songs, and my cat can even play keyboard if I let her in my music room


Notinyourbushes t1_ix8rfke wrote

I've noticed our cat much prefers to hang out next to me while I listen to music down low while I work than by my wife while she's watching TV with people yelling and various explosions or fight sounds. When she's at work, he'll hang out on the couch but when she turns the TV on, he'd rather sit under my chair.


phinbar t1_ix8vwws wrote

We leave the classical station on while we're out all day for our cats. It started when I was taking one of them to the vet and they were crying until I switched to the classical station. They stopped crying and it seemed to calm them down.


annoyinghuman03 t1_ix8wkjc wrote

my cat loves post-punk. he gets super relaxed and sleeps by the speaker (I turn it down a little when he does because I don't want his hearing to get damaged or something)


JustBoredIsAll t1_ix900pb wrote

My old dog would go puppy bonkers for Slayer and Poison Idea. Not even kidding.


Photographna t1_ix97yxp wrote

I notice some instruments do better than others. My dog seems to like pianos and xylophones but hates violins and saxophones


longhairedcountryboy t1_ix9gk3u wrote

My dog likes music. I don't really play it to him but he does listen and sometimes kind of dance.


drklunk t1_ix9gyjp wrote

one time I played Cool Cat by Queen for, well, my cat and she didnt give a shit

great song though


SultanasCurse t1_ix9i7h8 wrote

Dogs I've noticed can catch onto rythyms easier and cats you have to show them a little but they catch on quick. Once they're interested they usually enjoy it


Competitive_Vast9832 t1_ix9mne9 wrote

I had a very quiet cat who absolutely loved Napalm Death. I would put it on and she would try to crawl into the speaker horn. When she wouldn't fit, she started laying on the speaker while it played. And she would get really angry when it turned off. I tried other similar bands but she didn't like them as much. I don't know why Napalm Death but that was her favourite.

Her sister loved Yoko Ono. Especially when Yoko went "AIEAIEAIEAIEAIEAIEEEEEEE!!" When she wanted to hear Yoko, she'd sing just like that. I didn't know cats could sound like that but she mimicked it perfectly.


WyrdHarper t1_ix9w1lz wrote

I sing songs (often parody) to my rabbit to mixed acclaim. He likes the banjo (he’ll come up and listen to it), but doesn’t like the harp. No class that one.


RC-8107 t1_ix9ysfu wrote

I've tried it. Put simply, cats and dogs do not like pennywhistle, ocarina, guitar, or bass music.