WyrdHarper t1_ja8nanv wrote
Reply to comment by CC-5576-03 in after ASOIAF and kingkiller I dont dare to start reading unfinished series, I wonder statistically how much people are same and if it sffects other authors? by [deleted]
Despite it feeling like a slog while waiting at the time Robert Jordan’s release schedule was also pretty consistent with the Wheel of Time (until the last book—that became several eventually—where he really wanted it to be in one volume “even if you had to carry it in a wheelbarrow”) until he, uh, died.
There’s quite a few authors I trust with new series, and I’ve pulled the trigger on new authors a few times and usually have not been burned. For many authors who make it to publication they are really motivated to keep the dream going.
WyrdHarper t1_ja8mex5 wrote
Reply to comment by ShadowDV in after ASOIAF and kingkiller I dont dare to start reading unfinished series, I wonder statistically how much people are same and if it sffects other authors? by [deleted]
Martin’s at least been working on stuff. The TV show, spin-off books in the same canon, and doing other projects.
I think his biggest issue has always been time management—and suddenly he was taken from a sci-fi/fantasy author with a niche audience to a global phenomenon with a household name. He basically got everything he’d ever dreamed of and then got pulled in too many directions. And at least as glacial as his pace is he has shown evidence of writing the next book, too.
At this point I can’t tell if Rothfuss is genuinely struggling and that’s manifesting as hostility or if he’s just enjoying trolling people.
WyrdHarper t1_ja0xkmi wrote
Reply to comment by persfinthrowa in Amazon faces a lawsuit over products that fuel the donkey skin trade. by tandemuis365
It talks about South Africa. The illegal donkey hide trade has been going on for years so not everything is in this specific one. This is not a new thing.
Various donkey and ass species in Africa get processed for hides and other byproducts and sold to parts of Europe or SEA (especially Thailand) due to their value in traditional medicines where the information about the source is laundered and they are sold globally.
The parent comment was quite ignorant about this well-known issue and its global public and animal health issues.
WyrdHarper t1_ja0tj1b wrote
Reply to comment by FastWalkingShortGuy in Amazon faces a lawsuit over products that fuel the donkey skin trade. by tandemuis365
Yes, African Wild Asses are critically endangered. Read the article; these aren’t just domestic donkeys.
The donkey hide trade is also a major route by which zoonotic infectious diseases, including Brucellosis and Leptospirosis, can be spread. There are also concerns for its ability to bring in African Horse Sickness and Burkholderia spp. diseases which would be devastating to our domestic equine species and economically damaging.
It’s also used to spread money via illegal backchannels to fund criminal organizations.
Donkey products can be used in some cases in the United States; however, because they are not considered food and fiber animals there are fewer regulations documenting medications that have been used in them, including drug residues which can kill humans.
WyrdHarper t1_j3fxmzk wrote
Reply to comment by avidovid in Earliest evidence of the use of the Mesoamerican 260-day calendar, ‘centuries earlier than its previously known use in textual records,’ revealed by the orientations of newly-uncovered ruins along Mexico’s southern Gulf Coast by marketrent
And a lot that did get preserved just got held in private collections or sent to the Vatican where they’ve been locked away (at least some like the Codex Borgia have been scanned and are now publicly available digitally).
WyrdHarper t1_j1f4m2l wrote
Reply to comment by Littlebotweak in An animal tranquilizer is showing up in the nation's illicit drug supply by jivatman
It’s an alpha 2 agonist under the class of clonidine derivatives, not a phenothiazine. You’re probably thinking of acepromazine.
Xylazine’s a sedative. We use for general sedation on its own (with or without butorphanol), and as a premedication prior to induction of general anesthesia with ketamine to bypass the excitability phase of ketamine in large animals. I usually add on midazolam or diazepam in adult horses with ketamine as well (it also can be excitatory in awake adult horses without sedation).
WyrdHarper t1_j1f40yw wrote
Reply to comment by asdaaaaaaaa in An animal tranquilizer is showing up in the nation's illicit drug supply by jivatman
It’s a centrally acting alpha 2 adrenergic agonist sedative (it’s not a tranquilizer; tranquilizers do not affect consciousness) commonly used in large animal veterinary medicine. We’ve had to start keeping ours in safes at the request of state police; I don’t live in any of the states mentioned in the article. It won’t get you high, but it will make you sleepy and has short-acting analgesic effects. Supposedly it potentiates the high of heroin and methamphetamine with how it interacts with them. Because it’s not a controlled substance it’s historically not been as well-secured as opioids (it’s also not uncommon for farriers and horse owners to illegally acquire and use it).
Detomidine or dexmedetomidine are in the same class of drugs. There’s a huge variation in species response to individual alpha 2 agonists. There’s a few anecdotes of veterinarians accidentally injecting themselves with xylazine; they usually end up waking up in the hospital hours or days later. And that’s with a known dose and immediate transport.
Because xylazine is labeled for large animal use the formulations are somewhat concentrated (100mg/mL for horses; usually 20mg/mL for cattle) and the dose for a horse is small (~1.5-2mL).
There are reversal agents for alpha 2 agonists (atipamezole and yohimbine), but not for humans. Atipamezole is only labeled for veterinary use (although it has been evaluated in humans). Veterinary yohimbine has been on backorder for years.
WyrdHarper t1_iybol1z wrote
Reply to comment by eric_ts in Common treatment for joint pain may be linked to faster arthritis progression, research suggests by SunCloud-777
There was a study a few years ago demonstrating no statistical difference after 3 months between steroid and sham for knee arthritis, although the steroid gave short term relief. Not at my computer but I can try to dig it up.
WyrdHarper t1_ix9w1lz wrote
I sing songs (often parody) to my rabbit to mixed acclaim. He likes the banjo (he’ll come up and listen to it), but doesn’t like the harp. No class that one.
WyrdHarper t1_ivig7ci wrote
Reply to comment by 1LizardWizard in Native child welfare law faces major Supreme Court challenge by Banemorth
Oh there is. Not that it makes much of a difference.
There’s Cherokee Nation vs Georgia (1831) and Worcester vs Georgia (1832) where the supreme court ruled that the government could not forcibly evict 15000 or so people whose families had been living in “Georgia” for generations. Andrew Jackson then proceeded to ignore that and thus started the trail of tears.
Honestly at this point it wouldn’t surprise me if they decided to overrule the 1879 ruling that First Americans were “persons”
WyrdHarper t1_jc4f6se wrote
Reply to Who are some artists you wish you could have seen live? by MovieFanZ5026
Horace Weston; considered one of the best banjo players of his time (late 1800’s) so good that (as a Black American man again in the late 1800’s) he was invited to personally perform for Queen Victoria.