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AsSubtleAsABrick t1_je4t4dk wrote

It's almost as if the system was not designed to rehabilitate people but just to punish them. Dude needed money, has a medical condition, and a felony record. What the hell was he supposed to do?


Seventhson65 t1_je50ul4 wrote


Not commit an armed robbery maybe šŸ¤”


AsSubtleAsABrick t1_je51jhm wrote

What was he supposed to do instead? Let me guess, "get a job"? Which would be so easy for him given his record.


Seventhson65 t1_je5gfvs wrote

Felons canā€™t get jobs after leaving prison? His job prospects are certainly limited, but employment is still very possible. He isnā€™t a victim of the ā€œsystemā€. Heā€™s a criminal by the actions he took by his own free will. Three previous armed bank robberies and this is his fourth. Good riddance, he isnā€™t capable of living in a civil society.


Johnnydellz t1_je5yorl wrote

Anyone can get a job now a days and they have temp agencies for felons to get workā€¦ He just doesnā€™t want a job, he went back to his old ways.


AsSubtleAsABrick t1_je64hhr wrote

What good does a temp agency do when you are diabetic? He needs health insurance, not a minimum wage call center job.

I guarantee if he had the choice of a stable job with a living wage, healthcare, and housing vs. stealing he would do the former.


Seventhson65 t1_je6bqah wrote

He did have the choice, but decided to commit multiple felonies. He chose to limit his opportunities for his future. But itā€™s funny how you justify armed robbery with his lifeā€™s decisions.

I canā€™t argue with stupid.


AsSubtleAsABrick t1_je6l48i wrote

He had the choice of a living wage with healthcare and stable housing? You sure about that?

Because median household income in Newark is $41k, or about $20 an hour. Median per capita income is $22k. Most people are making minimum wage ($14/hour) and you know that doesn't include health coverage. And half of people make less than that.

So yeah, I can completely understand why and how people get into situations where they make bad decisions. When the choice is being evicted, starving, dying without insulin, and robbing someone, I see why that last choice can seem like the only option.

But hey, YOU are doing great in life, so fuck him I guess.


biscovery t1_je4xjup wrote

Steal shit from best buy, break into cars. Plenty of low court bullshit crimes he could have done rather than be a felon committing armed robbery. Low hanging fruitā€¦


AsSubtleAsABrick t1_je51nvi wrote

So instead of committing crime, he should commit crime. Got it.


biscovery t1_je52aok wrote

If you wanna hustle like a criminal at least donā€™t be a fucking idiot about it.


dsarma t1_je530ej wrote

Maybe he should try not being poor? -Republicans, probably