
dsarma t1_je9ee3o wrote

It’s not so much the perfect anything, but how they react to issues. I saw that wonky space bar, and their response was that it was fine. They just spent $100 (?) on a set, and get told that this space bar that is crooked is fine, and to suck it up.

Nobody is demanding perfection. People want to have their issues addressed and fixed.


dsarma t1_je5zmkf wrote

Reply to comment by ianisms10 in Commute to Wilmington, DE by s_xandera

I mean, so is Manhattan, but that's also not gonna happen. Jersey City's gotten expensive enough now that places in Brooklyn are starting to look affordable, which is depressing.


dsarma t1_je4o3fa wrote

He was released early, and then went out and did this dumb shit. He wasn't fully free, he was under house arrest.

>Graham got “early compassionate release” after 13½ years and was put on home confinement in November 2020 in Newark.

>His early release was based on a diabetes diagnosis, obtaining a high school equivalence degree in 2014, and attending prison programs to help him obtain gainful employment upon release, according to federal court papers.

>Graham robbed the East Orange cellphone store just two months after he got out of jail.

Like. Dude. You weren't even fully out yet.


dsarma t1_je4jl6h wrote

> The reason: Graham is a convicted felon who spent 13½-years in federal prison for three armed bank robberies in 2006. So, his latest conviction for brandishing a handgun in a violent crime will be treated with greater severity.

Dude was out for a couple of months and then reoffended.


dsarma t1_jctp1zt wrote

If she’s eating fish, she’s literally killing animals. I don’t know what failure of biology class happened, but fish are also animals, and the fishing industry kills several many animals that never make it onto your plate due to bycatch being discarded. For every fish you do eat, many more are thrown overboard as trash.

Call an exterminator and sort this shit out. It’s a health hazard, and your landlord will pay for it to get taken care of. Save the cognitive dissonance for something else.


dsarma t1_j9cxdp4 wrote

It’s that I have these big honkin’ hands, and I use excel pretty much all day to get masses of numbers from one place to another. I have my own private office with three monitors set up at my work station. I don’t care about saving space on my desk. I want that comfort that comes from having my keyboard packed with all the keys.

I don’t like using the mouse too much, so tend towards keyboard shortcuts. It’s also helpful that I can go into system settings and map specific keys to shortcuts, so I can press that one Prt Scr button rather than (for example) cmd + shift + 4. I’ve got your guide here easy to find if I ever decide to make any changes.

The keyboard is supposedly not swap, and has Bluetooth and wired modes. We shall see though. Fingers crossed.


dsarma t1_j9aebmj wrote

I knew that for my first mechanical keyboard, I’d not have the patience to sort out the masses of switches on my preferred layout (I use the 100%, because I have several shortcuts mapped to those extra keys, and I like the numpad to be separate and have that chonky 0 key). Also, the cases for the 100% layout were either mad expensive or not existing.

I bought that Keychron one. It’s the K10 model. I figure that for $100, it’s a start. Then if I need to change anything, I can do that. But, until then, I’ll still have a working keyboard.


dsarma t1_j8mf991 wrote

Listen. I want folk to come visit for more than a Devils game at the Prudential and then they promptly leave. However to do that, places need to open and have crap in stock. If they keep having Newark ass hours, nobody is going to want to hang out there.

Coffee shops not open until 9 am (!). Except Dunkin’ is open, but they’re not a local shop. If I’m headed to work, I’ll be late if I get to your shop at 9 am on my way in. Why are you like this?

Bars that don’t open till 6 pm, and have a shitty sign with a dress code that amounts to “don’t be black,” and blasting music at face melting volume at 6 ok. Nobody is getting turnt at 6 pm. Be like normal people and have music at a low-ish volume when the sun is out, and gradually turn it up as the place fills up so people want to dance.

Two examples of several. If we don’t offer something else to do next to the unique and cool stuff we have to offer, nobody is going to hang out for very long once they’re done. JC is a bit of a soulless husk trying to live up to its bigger cousin NYC, but they figured out how to get people to hang out there: actually be open, and cater to everyone and not just office building workers.