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expressdefrost t1_itklgoi wrote

Same but for food. How are all the restaurants here so expensive and so mediocre 😭


_overzealousgiraffe t1_itleqw4 wrote

Fr - the ironbound is delicious and I love it, but trying to find anything to eat past 7pm in downtown Newark is almost impossible. I have to get food out of town every night unless I want to hit RUHungry up on my walk back from campus.


sutisuc t1_itkteut wrote

Yeah I co-sign on this one immensely. Most places are very underwhelming for a city of ~300k and way overpriced especially in the ironbound


VroomRutabaga t1_itlyl3m wrote

This is a fact. *I also never step into Adega

But that’s besides the point, I’ve ordered from xscape cafe, sabor unido, eat frequently at Sihana, Casanova grill either ferry or adams, Souza fit, taste of Brazil. With the exception of Sihana, which is great food, the others are low quality for the price. They ALL raised their prices. Sihana is either keeping the same price or shrinking their portion. Their salmon salad and anything salmon related look like they cut it in half. It’s literally smaller than a sponge. I’m like whereTF is the salmon at? It’s tiny AH. And now all these places, I’m looking at you Souza fit and Sihana, they put an extra 2$ for credit card fee. That wasn’t calculated in before!! If it’s not walking distance, I’m not ordering from Uber eats, because they ALL raises their prices.

The other places.. lord have mercy just high price and low quality.

And randomly fuck Seabras grocery store (all of them) bc they have a monopoly in the ironbound they charge 8-12$ for a block of Minas cheese, and you open that shit and its expired. It’s not the first time, you get something within their “expiration date “ and the item is bad or them keeping expired shit on the shelf. Or that incident that they found rats within their produce (heard it was the Seabra Harrison location).. not only groceries are really high but bad quality


sutisuc t1_itm004q wrote

Co-signed on all of this and seabras in particular is foul. I tried getting some broccoli from there recently that legitimately stunk like rubber. I’ve also heard stories of maggots in the produce as well. Just low quality overpriced junk.


VroomRutabaga t1_itm0jzr wrote

I’m literally about to eat some broccoli now lol this is sad AF. You know how many of my Portuguese neighbors want a ShopRite in ironbound ? I know more people go to get their groceries outside of ironbound then within which says a lot. When I can get a ride, I go out, but it’s walking distance for me unfortunately.


ahtasva t1_itm9vjf wrote

I was really hoping that pathmark would turn onto a ShopRite but alas ; I was disappointed.


poete_idris t1_itkm5k6 wrote

The food is Newark is fire, I think you just found a buddy to share bad opinions with on this post lmao


sutisuc t1_itlm37b wrote

Which restaurants do you like here?


poete_idris t1_itlmc9f wrote

Dickie Dees, The Yard / Walla Burger, Sihana Cafe, Krugs Tavern, Deluxe Diner, Omar’s Cafe, I’ve heard the Good Eats Experience is good Basically any food truck around the North

Those are just a few regular spots for me.


NewNewark t1_itm6t90 wrote

> The Yard / Walla Burger

$16 for a burger without fries is criminal. And their hours are shit.

>Deluxe Diner

Avoid them, theyre overpriced. Go to Central a block away


poete_idris t1_itm8e4y wrote

I like deluxe and the price wasn’t killing me. The Yard is some heat though they food worth it for me idk what you on.


ANGRYaccountant69 t1_itl93it wrote

Literally among best food in the world concentrated on ferry street


sutisuc t1_itllv6q wrote

Yeah who doesn’t love dropping 25 dollars for a plate that’s half frozen French fries


thebruns t1_itlamw6 wrote

Have you been recently? Theyve all increased their price massively. The two-person dish I used to get at Adega was $65...its literally $110 now. Insane. Not worth it.


eastaleph t1_itlu4wb wrote

You're going to Adega and complaining the food is overpriced. Have you tried I don't know, anywhere thst isn't super overpriced?


thebruns t1_itlycf2 wrote

My dude, I just explained to you that 3 years ago they had great prices.


eastaleph t1_itm25ua wrote

3-4 years ago a lot of places were considerably cheaper, but Adega/Iberia/etc were always pricier and lower quality.


thebruns t1_itm29tv wrote

Ive been to most places and my favorites were Adega and Seabra Marisqueira.


eastaleph t1_itm32iz wrote

I think Casa d'Paco crushes Seabra's Masquiera and I've never considered Adega's food as particularly noteworthy.


thebruns t1_itm47wa wrote

I mean theyre completely different food. You cant get a large seasfood platter at Paco. Thats not what they sell. Why event ry and compare different cuisines?

And Paco used to modify their menu every 6 months. Its been frozen in time since 2019 except prices went up and portions went down.


sutisuc t1_itlzqml wrote

Where in the ironbound, that isn’t chicken shacks or burger joints, is the food not overpriced?


eastaleph t1_itm2209 wrote

What exactly do you consider not overpriced?


sutisuc t1_itm25j4 wrote

Less than 20 dollars for something that isn’t gonna make me hungry in an hour.


eastaleph t1_itm2ves wrote

Blueprint, Saber Unido (only a few things, Krug's, any of the smaller BBQ places like McWhorter.


sutisuc t1_itm30ep wrote

Yup burger joints and chicken shacks like I said lol


eastaleph t1_itm427p wrote

Blueprint isn't either. Neither is Sabor Unido. McWhorter has one chicken item on it's menu.

Sorry bud.


sutisuc t1_itm4fuj wrote

Sabor unido has barely anything sub 20 dollars on their menu and blueprint is a bit of a bridge between a burger place and more varied restaurant. Most people who go to mcwhorter get the chicken that’s why they cook them en masse on the racks. Also four restaurants in a giant area full of restaurants is not the ringing endorsement you seem to think it is


eastaleph t1_itm6pdp wrote

>Sabor unido has barely anything sub 20 dollars on their menu

Because less than $20 is not a great price point and you know it.

>And blueprint is a bit of a bridge between a burger place and more varied restaurant.

The vegan friendly place with brunch is a bit of a bridge?

>Most people who go to mcwhorter get the chicken that’s why they cook them en masse on the racks.

Order the pork chops, which so many chicken shacks have. Hint: chicken shacks pretty much only serve chicken.

>Also four restaurants in a giant area full of restaurants is not the ringing endorsement you seem to think it is

Not only are you moving the goalposts, you got a couple of answers for a specific price point during the workday. What do you expect, a memorized list? Get a grip.


sutisuc t1_itm78vp wrote

I can throw a rock in any direction in Manhattan (especially lower and upper manhattan) and find quality restaurants that are priced well below 20 dollars. Why is 20 unreasonable? Costs here are certainly lower than Manhattan so what’s with the upcharging here?

Why don’t most people at mcwhorters order the pork chops then? Why do they grill whole chickens endlessly all day?

You asked me what I consider to be not overpriced, I’m not moving the goal posts I’m just pointing out the exception here certainly proves the rule.


eastaleph t1_itma2zk wrote

>I can throw a rock in any direction in Manhattan (especially lower and upper manhattan) and find quality restaurants that are priced well below 20 dollars. Why is 20 unreasonable? Costs here are certainly lower than Manhattan so what’s with the upcharging here?

Because the places that have the absolute rock bottom prices for food, fast food, are still charging something close to $10 for a meal. Real restaurants pay considerably more for food and put more effort into it. That's why you only find cheap food at places that can apply economy of scale.

>Why don’t most people at mcwhorters order the pork chops then? Why do they grill whole chickens endlessly all day?

Because that's what they like and what's cheap? Do you know what a chicken shack is? It's not a place that happens to sell a lot of chicken.

>You asked me what I consider to be not overpriced, I’m not moving the goal posts I’m just pointing out the exception here certainly proves the rule.

No, you asked for me places. I provided places. You then bitched about there only being provided four during a workday when you never mentioned a number.


sutisuc t1_itmascs wrote

Man you have not eaten in the heights, Chinatown, hell I can even point you to places in ritzy areas of Manhattan with great food at affordable prices. You gotta get out more.

I don’t think there’s a legal definition of a chicken shack but if you have one available you’d like to share please do. I refer to chicken shacks as hole in the wall places that sell a lot of…chicken. Therefore mcwhorter fits the bill.

I said excepting chicken shacks (mcwhorter) and burger places (Krugs) and then you then named a place with barely any options under twenty dollars and bluebird which I’ll concede was a good call. My point being there isn’t much in the ironbound that isn’t a chicken shack or burger place that has decent food for under 20 dollars, even places like mcwhorter are like 75 percent frozen fries and rice. Not exactly something I want to eat on a regular basis.


NewNewark t1_itmsyo0 wrote

Youre absolutely right. My gf is vegetarian and in all the ironbound theres like 2 places we can go to lol. Zero diversity of food.


sutisuc t1_itmtnph wrote

Yup and what is available is overpriced and usually served with half a plate of frozen french fries lol. Such an overrated dining neighborhood


NewNewark t1_itmuhc9 wrote

If you browse the photos on google maps, it crazy to see the change in prices in 5 years. You used to get a half chicken and the full bag of fries for under $10


sutisuc t1_itmvdj2 wrote

Yup mcwhorter was 7 dollars for like at least ten years and then in the last two years it’s shot up to 10 dollars while the portions and quality of everything has dipped.


Interesting-Fish6065 t1_iubjksc wrote

Sihana Cafe


sutisuc t1_iubnxvb wrote

I wasn’t impressed by their food honestly which was a bummer cause I had high hopes. Really good coffee though


ANGRYaccountant69 t1_itnkcit wrote

I’m confused if we are talking about quality or price b/c everyone is jumping around. The chefs and service in Fornos is unreal and worth every penny few times as year. Otherwise go to McDonald’s dollar menu like a pleb idk what to tell you


thebruns t1_itnopbq wrote

Its both. You used to be able to get high quality food at affordable prices. Now you can get still get high quality food, but at MUCH higher prices. Also, lower quality places are matching the price increases. Before I used to tell people to come to Newark all the time for food. Now theyre better off going to NYC. Theyll pay the same but have much more choices and its less of a gamble that the place wont be closed at 7pm randomly