
ahtasva t1_jegmxzy wrote

This is a problem created by neo liberal politics: don’t offer people solutions instead tell them who to blame for their problems. 1 . People are homeless: let them take over the public parks and sidewalks. Don’t finds ways to house them.. refuse to support high density housing. Blame landlords and pile on regulation on them making housing more expensive. Point the finger on “gentrifiers”. Republicans what you to hate foreigners; democrats want you to hate your neighbors.

  1. People are hopeless and turn to drugs: don’t offer them hope or any solutions. Let them shoot up on the open. Decriminalize “petty” crimes coz its “unfair” to enforce the law on the drug dependent. Don’t pass min wage laws, create affordable healthcare insurance or affordable starter housing. Democrats want you to blame the rich ; republicans want you to blame the poor.

  2. Inner city public education is failing: democrats are in denial. Republicans want grandma to teach kids advanced math.

Take any issue out there and there isn’t a solution in sight. God help this county!


ahtasva t1_jefw2xr wrote

Don’t know where that is. Anywhere within 10~15 min walk to either train station would be a good place to buy IMHO. I personally like lower Broadway in Newark. Charming , mix of architecture, fantastic connectivity. With Vermella closing the gap between the station and the entrance to the neighborhood, only a matter of time before it takes off. 5 years if not less. Anything south of 2nd Ave is worth buying. I see some pretty reasonably priced single and multifamily homes listed for sale still.


ahtasva t1_jefqmtz wrote

Why so? High income earners bring jobs and opportunities. Don’t fall for the divisive garbage rhetoric that you have to hate other American because they have more money than you. Those high earners pay taxes. They help fund the schools. What mare should they do??? No one making 150k/ yr is a trust fund baby. Husband and wife making 75 grand each is more like it.

People are getting displaced; have the city build more public housing. Why can’t the city do that instead of continuously pitting neighbors against each other?

Illegals are welcome here but young families making 100k / year are not? What an upside down world we are living in🤡


ahtasva t1_jca9ah0 wrote

I said nothing about ownership. I was talking about occupancy. Are the majority of occupants of the luxury rentals Americans? If so, why are they less worthy of enjoying public services (that they pay for through taxes)? That is the crux of your argument. With better transit comes more expensive housing and that in turn causes displacement of existing residents. All points I agree with btw. What I don’t agree with is your solution. You want the luxury apartment to go “elsewhere”. Where will they go? Even if they could; why should they?

The point I make and you willfully sidestep is that i think your solution is wrong. It’s wrong because it divides people. It encourage people who would otherwise have things in common to hate and mistrust each other. I argue that as a result of this we can never have nice things because we can never unite over the things we agree on long enough to get it. That is bad for all of us.


ahtasva t1_jca49db wrote

So what? You talk as if the people who occupy the “luxury” units are all Russian who are taking advantage of our infrastructure. In case you don’t know; those people are tax paying American. Their taxes help pay for the infrastructure in the first place. This is the hard bigotry of anti-gentrification; a policy that demands you hate your neighbor purely on the basis that he is willing or able to pay more then you do in rent.

If housing is not affordable then either build public housing or increase wages. The govt is not willing to do either. It actively works against both objectives.

Here is a prime example of the utter idiocy of modern progressive ideology. Thousands of homeless sleeping rough on the streets. The progressive answer is not to house them; that would be too easy. Instead we are supposed to give over our parks, stations, curbsides and other public spaces to the homeless do as they please. Anyone who dare question the efficacy of this policy is labeled a racist, bigot, fascist etc.

This is the what progressivism is today, a shell game of virtue signaling and manufactured outrage designed to divide the public and keep poor and disenfranchised exactly where they are.


ahtasva t1_jbbq1q1 wrote

Nothing bizarre. City of Newark is den of nepotism. Most likely one of Baraka’s not so bright minions though it would be a good way to impress the boss. Turned out to be a bad move. Doesn’t matter though, it’s not like accountability is a thing at city hall😂

Also, like I pointed out earlier, no big loss; it’s a minor PR blunder that will blow over soon enough.


ahtasva t1_jar4tdu wrote

Thanks for the heads up. Need to test my sump pump to make sure is working

If you know only one who has a basement , warn them to do the same. When Ida came through, my pump failed and my basement flooded. Pain in the ass to clean bot to mention it messed up my washer dryer


ahtasva t1_ja8i622 wrote

Wish I shared your optimism. We are in the ironbound now. Pre-school is good and o am told so is our zoned elementary, but beyond that; the stats look dismal to me. Numbers don’t lie. Low Reading and math attainment at grade level combined with high absenteeism is not a winning formula. Haven’t looked at charters so maybe that is an option.


ahtasva t1_ja2xtug wrote

Been here 7 years. Own my one place but will almost certainly leave for the suburbs in a year or two so that my child can attend better public schools. Newark public schools from what I can tell are not going to improve anytime soon.


ahtasva t1_j9are6m wrote

If my math is right, NPS is spending 28k per year per student and half of them don’t turn up for school and a majority of those that do can’t read or do math at grade level. The school board has no problem with this and quietly rehired a superintendent who by all accounts has done little or nothing to remedy the many issues the district is facing.

When are we collectively going to face up to the the facts? After 5 decades of failure, has any leader been held to account for the failure of inner city schools? What we have is a crisis of accountability. The parents are not accountable; the district is not accountable; the superintended is not accountable; the unions are not accountable and the students are not accountable. Each party is given a pass by externalizing accountability. It’s always the same tired bogeymen; lack of resources, competition from charters etc. Every problem the schools face are not solvable because the cause lay outside the control of the individuals involved. The parties involved apparently have no agency and are completely at the mercy of the “system”.

Imagine if India or China or any of the Caribbean or African countries like Ghana or Nigeria being able to spend the equivalent of 28k /year per child on education; what do you think the outcomes will be?

We will never break free from this cycle of repeated failure until we come to terms with the fact that no change is possible for the unwilling.


ahtasva t1_j83nhrb wrote

This is peak neo-liberalism. 🤣🤣

First divide people up by race, then rank order them by the magnitude of the “oppression” they have suffered . Throw in a big dollop of victimhood and entitlement to boot.

When the school implodes, everyone involved is “shocked” at what happened.

Meanwhile only 15% of the students body can read or do math at grade level🤷🏾‍♂️


ahtasva t1_j76vk2b wrote

What is the value of these buildings other than having been built along time ago? I bet neither you nor any one else in this discussion knows “why” these building are”special”. What everyone really has their panties in a bunch over is the fact that Edison had the forethought to buy up property when I was cheap and is cashing out now. If you are going to be salty; at least be honest.🤷🏾‍♂️


ahtasva t1_j681lqs wrote

Cory booker specializes in sponsoring bills that won’t pass🤣. This clown is so so deep up pharma’s ass that he has no idea when it is night or day.

All this talk about reparations is just a red hearing dems roll out every time black and monitory voter get a sense that the party they are so loyal to has fucked them over.

Whenever you see discussions of reparations in the news, you know that the democrats are worried of losing support. You can set your watch by it .


ahtasva t1_j5psm5m wrote

The definition of lunacy is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results; that is what the fight against gentrification is. Anti gentrifiers are trying to preserve the status quo in the face of overwhelming incentives in the opposite direction. They will never succeed! Their track record is abysmal which is why I think they are so hateful and bitter.

You can’t stop people from getting what they want; you need to focus on giving people what they need.

Here is what I would do if:

  1. Reduce the affordable housing mandate from 20 to 10 or 15 % and signal to developers that Newark is open for business. No tax abatements on rental properties but you can pretty much build whatever you like.
  2. Offer 15, 20 year tax abatements on new construction that is for sale. Scale the tax abatement to be front ended. First 5 years is higher vs. second 5 years etc. Tax abatements are conditional on occupancy; so each year you have to pay taxes in full and send in your tax return to prove that you listed the home as your primary home then you get the rebate money back. The tax abatement is a pass through to owner occupiers.
  3. Any owner occupier of a SFH who has owned the property for at least 3 years can automatically convert their home to multi family. Streamlined quick application process. Low fees ; no hassle. 2k sqft or less max 2 family. Larger lots, more units; maxes out at 6 units. Allowing existing resident to monetize their homes while occupying it will be huge in helping build generational wealth.
  4. Build public housing using a build to operate. Exempt the building of public housing from frivolous requirements like solar panel and all that other crap. Offer union labor exemptions if that keeps costs low. Housing is long term value that is a force multiplier so it’s worth the initial hit to labor.

ahtasva t1_j5o2lyp wrote

It won’t. Developers haven’t found their footing yet as the round of large scale projects is just taking off. Once the receipts come in and developers get to see medium term performance; they will identify one or 2 locations and concentrate there. Then we will see a sudden flurry on building activity that will radiate out from these centers. Look at DT Brooklyn and DT JC as prime examples of this. Developer need funding from banks and investors and those entities rely on performance to be comfortable with parting with their money. That is why you see builders cluster. My guess is the centers will be DT Newark along the light rail lines connecting into lower Broadway effectively connecting Penn and Broad st.