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sutisuc t1_ivup1k2 wrote

The Walgreens a couple blocks up is 24/7 if you need something in a pinch. I agree with your sentiments though this is a gross perspective by the councilman and most of the commenters here but I pretty much come to expect these takes at this point.


disassociationfairy t1_ivupw1s wrote

Yea that’s going to have to be my default now. I appreciate you saying that because it gets frustrating seeing it all the time!


ryanov t1_iweav5y wrote

Especially from that dude. He's literally a cop.


disassociationfairy t1_iwedrfs wrote

Ha! Well that explains that. Wasted discussion atp.


ryanov t1_iwedytt wrote

It was cop versus cop in that election. I believe the one that lost had a ridiculously high number of use of force complaints (like highest in the department? it’s in the news) so at least there’s that, but still…