DrixxYBoat t1_ixlncfl wrote
Newark isn't nearly as unsafe and "crime ridden" as people from r/newjersey would like you to believe.
If you're gawking like an outsider and walking conspicuously, you're an easy target anywhere in the world.
For Newark, downtown is pretty much a safe haven, and is most likely where your internship will be. All 4 of our colleges are downtown, Rutgers, Seton Hall, NJIT, and ECC.
If the internship is corporate, I'd also expect it to be downtown.
There are several other neighborhoods throughout the city that are great including forest hills, the ironbound, and weaqhuahic park on the Elizabeth Ave side.
How are you getting to the city?
If you're taking the train out here, Newark Penn Station is among the safest places in the city. There's also the light rail located in Penn Station which might be able to get you to your internship location.
Many outsiders to the city use the train + light rail system to move around, and thus when there's a flock of Indian kids from NJIT on the 5:45 light rail, your safety is never at risk due to crowd size.
There's also frequent bus service throughout the city Buses run from 5 AM to Midnight. They're as safe as any other form of transportation but not as sexy. You'll see more homeless people on buses and more working class people. Everyone minds their own business.
Some people are loud, annoying, or stinky, but fights and commotions aren't the norm. Everyone is just trying to get from point A to B.
poete_idris t1_ixlpdk5 wrote
Y’all are so annoying I stg just go somewhere else damn
wornoutnewark t1_ixls6bx wrote
Generic post like this come of as both ignorant and lazy. What specifically are you wanting to learn? Crime is, for the most part localized. Even in the safest cities, there are neighborhoods where there is more crime. If your criteria for deciding whether or not to take up this internship is the avg crime rate; then the decision is done and this post redundant. Look elsewhere.
If however you want to know how safe you can expect to be, assuming you lived and worked here; start by providing information on where you will work, what hours, where do you plan to live, how do you plan to commute, age, gender, size, visible tattoos indicating gang affiliation and so on. Information that will actually help the members on this board give you intelligent and useful feedback.
PS> perhaps the mods can add a sticky with a list of standard information that is mandatory for posts like this.
2kool4tv t1_ixlyrn8 wrote
It’s like they wanna read “I got robbed 4x outside of the place you wanna intern at!!”
Ravenknight222 t1_ixm2fmz wrote
It’s not even bad bruh just don’t be a radical loser and stay in the shadows like everyone else tryna make it
wildwillybillyboy t1_ixm2oj9 wrote
Agree - the reputation does match up. I work around military park and walk to and from Broad Street station without issue. Some people are strange but I’ve yet to run into any issues
rhks92 t1_ixm3k2p wrote
I go to school around here and it’s not bad at all tbh but I’m only speaking around the downtown area, haven’t ventured elsewhere. People hyped it up to be dangerous before I came but it’s not bad.. certain areas can be sketchy but simple street smarts should get you thru it
toughguy375 t1_ixm7yrr wrote
You will be safe from crime as long as you don't sell drugs on a street corner. There are beggars everywhere and they will ask you for money but they won't hurt you.
CSmooth t1_ixmi4ld wrote
Also, much as we want to encourage brick city participation, you can easily live in an adjacent yuppie enclave suburb and still work/enjoy Newark while having a quieter Montclair/X-Orange/Harrison backyard, and potentially for cheaper than a decked out new-rental right downtown.
Considering “safety” is the primary concern, vs “will this be too boring?”, the one thing I’d say is don’t waste precious hours & dollars living in Hudson county or NYC and reverse commuting. If you visit NJ and want a different flavor of life, especially for only 3 months, you could even try your hand at Shore life or ultra-suburb central NJ, though hard imagine desiring the latter if I were college intern, or even grad intern age. Further you branch out, more you need a rental or wheels access.
Good luck
Edit: I start with “Also” because Newark is a fine/safe. However you move in your own state’s urban metro, apply that social wherewithal. E.g. you’re from Illinois. Maybe you love and live in ChiTown itself. OR, you shelter up in Skokie before/after work lol. Different strokes for different folks.
DrixxYBoat t1_ixoaanm wrote
Honestly, as long as there's a nearby train station, you can live in any of the surrounding cities and still work in Newark comfortably
The fact that Newark has 2 train stations is insane in and of itself. You can have a cozy house in Montclair and then take the train to broad st station and beyond.
Marv95 t1_ixoi26g wrote
It's still safer than Baltimore, DC and Philthy. Your internship is likely downtown in the CBD so you should be fine if you use your head.
The sheltered suburban racist clowns over at r/newjersey, city-data, etc are treating it as a suburb rather than a city of over 300K, which is larger than Pittsburgh or St. Louis.
Marv95 t1_ixoig0s wrote
3 stations if you count the airport. Also has its own subway surface lines.
Echos_myron123 t1_ixotyeu wrote
It's very dangerous here. My grandmother lives in Newark and she slipped on orange juice that someone spilled in the Shoprite.
RelativeNo9387 t1_ixq5tdq wrote
Ive worked in Newark for over 20 years, just be aware of your surroundings and you will be fine
lookingtocolor t1_ixllhv0 wrote
I'd suggest taking a visit to Newark to get a better feel for your self, for even a day or two. It's like any city, some areas are rough and some will be fine with what you'd expect from a city. I went to school here from Jersey City and now own a home in Newark and I like living here. Personally in the North ward, not forest hills and I can say I enjoy living here.