ryanov t1_ixxjbjp wrote
My building is exempt from rent control and they tried to raise mine 12%. I ignored them and they later came back with 6%, but Jesus.
I knew there was trouble brewing when that John Oliver piece quoted that POS talking about there being a shortage in housing. "Then there was footage of Bob Nicolls of Monarch Investment and Management Group gushing over the 'unprecedented opportunity' to 'press rents.' 'Where are people gonna go? They can’t go anywhere,' he reasoned."
If I believed in hell, people like that would be going.
stephenclarkg t1_ixm1tf2 wrote
Again with the lying articles meant to rile people up :(
thebruns t1_ixofepk wrote
What lie?
Echos_myron123 t1_ixs4mz9 wrote
Landlord's are claiming this article is lying.
Atuk-77 t1_ixmi89g wrote
Rent freeze doesn’t do any good to the city, however, it may be necessary to have a cap ~5%.
Kingsizebed t1_ixn7bry wrote
Joe Biden America
David-Eight t1_ixoeonl wrote
Joe Momma America
Kingsizebed t1_ixp7gp9 wrote
David-Eight= sheep.
David-Eight t1_ixp92hm wrote
Yo Mama's a sheep and yo daddies a lonely farmer LMAO
Echos_myron123 t1_ixuol42 wrote
Our rent freeze is decided by the mayor not the president you absolute moron.
Ironboundian t1_ixmb150 wrote
What’s the lie?
This is from the website linked
“Please be advised that on March 4, 2022 and pursuant to Executive Order 292, Governor Murphy rescinded the Public Health Emergency but has never terminated the New Jersey State of Emergency as it relates to COVID-19.”