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Top_Ad5385 OP t1_j63rpg6 wrote

I'm not going to be able to watch the video. It sounds nightmarish.


eee973 t1_j63v8g8 wrote

Its a terrible situation.


johnnysmoothie t1_j6434br wrote

I think education, hiring standards, and retraining should be revamped in every state.


Jimmy_kong253 t1_j64a1m3 wrote

It's terrible but I notice the lack of outrage in the media and on social media and other groups that came along with other police killings. I don't know if it's because it's not the usual race of the cops that kill or not but I didn't notice the same constant broadcast that I saw in other incidents over the years


cheesefrieswithgravy t1_j64a3rg wrote


Edit: to everyone downvoting me- get fucking real. The entire system of policing as we know it in the country was built on racism and if you knowingly sign up to participate in it and stand behind the blue wall of silence you’re complicit in the problem so yeah, ACAB.


Jimmy_kong253 t1_j64ern0 wrote

Probably because there's absolutely no way to justify what they did based on the video that I guess will be public later today. Because if there was the police department and their union would be the first one to make attempts


ilovemytvalot t1_j653xgu wrote

I have too many thoughts, but the ones that come to mind include: complete retraining and reevaluating current policies that are in place; we need to have better community outreach programs that can handle non-violent incidents; and the most important thing is holding cops accountable. 

We really need to have a separate institution that holds police accountable for this shit. The biggest reason why this continues is because cops are not scared of repercussions. They have internal teams that investigate them but the public isnt privy to that information and bias/connections limit what punishmentis appropriate..



OrdinaryIcy829 t1_j65vmwo wrote

I have not seen news agencies try to pre-incite violence this much since CNN spent a full week trying to bait a shooter for the Joker movie.


Top_Ad5385 OP t1_j698ulj wrote

I can't watch the video or read the details. But what the hell happened?? How could they do this to him?