Submitted by wild-flower9 t3_1194sph in OldSchoolCool
East_Adhesiveness_55 t1_j9kewlp wrote
middle looks like john c reilly
funwithdesign t1_j9kg0eq wrote
Brought to you by Steaks, Marlboros and Old Fashioned’s
Lost_in_Breslau t1_j9kh199 wrote
The man on the left looks like Stone Gossard from pearl jam.
sirtopumhat t1_j9ki3bg wrote
Getting some strong William Murderface vibes from that adonis in the middle.
benny86 t1_j9kjyv2 wrote
The dude in the middle fucked.
the_town_bike t1_j9kltov wrote
This is Anchorman come to life
Teamocil2001 t1_j9knqrx wrote
Hmm, he doesn’t look like a fascist
katwoodruff t1_j9kpeax wrote
I love lamp was what came to my mind
MaterialCarrot t1_j9kpxtc wrote
4 of these guys are just waiting for the 70's to end, 1 of them has been waiting for the 70's his entire life.
Perused t1_j9kqe74 wrote
The guy in the middle has a five head. Which is probably about a seven head by now.
eastcoasteralways t1_j9kqw2i wrote
You did not even need to include the era. We know from the very first glance. Lmao! Love it.
amazingsandwiches t1_j9kr2dd wrote
Looks like middle dude is getting ready to buy a basketball team.
Lachrondizzle23 t1_j9kt7ss wrote
Came to find this comment
geeleedee1966 t1_j9ktq7a wrote
Dude in the middle said he fucked more than he actually did!
peripheral77 t1_j9ktv8i wrote
He looks left leaning to me.
Temporary-Daikon2411 t1_j9kw67n wrote
I felt my ass get grabbed just looking at this picture
MerioVlof t1_j9kxm4d wrote
they look like serial killers, but it's the 70s. I'd say at least 1 in 5.
AmericanoWsugar t1_j9kyjrd wrote
I’ve seen this guy somewhere.
The_Observatory_ t1_j9kyxw9 wrote
Some folks say he's still there in the 70s to this day...
turdferguson3891 t1_j9l1i89 wrote
The guy in the middle is definitely wearing Sex Panther.
season8branisusless t1_j9l1p9h wrote
He also definitely knows what cocaine smells like.
HalstenWulfharth t1_j9l4eek wrote
They were called just Fashions then.
BILLYsmaalls t1_j9l4oyd wrote
Look at Hopper in the middle holding it down
gapmail t1_j9l5mvq wrote
It can be rough having parents who are far right
zertoman t1_j9l692b wrote
I’d rock that shirt even today.
Feisty_Coyote9969 t1_j9l7get wrote
The dude in the middle has kids he doesn’t even know about
purchankruly t1_j9l7p8n wrote
Is he really far right?
Secretlyagummybear t1_j9l7wcs wrote
Cool! Don't know why we needed to know his political alignment thought.
GeorgeHChrist t1_j9l93od wrote
Dude in the middle is definitely looking for some afternoon delight
RovertRelda t1_j9l9c8e wrote
Guy on his right looks like a blonde Matthew Broderick
dewayneestes t1_j9l9spv wrote
The guy next to your dad is the dealer, the guy next to the dealer is the guy everyone had to front for with the dealer because he was always in and out of jobs.
Your dad still misses him but was glad he kept him at arms length.
Vitalsignx t1_j9l9t9s wrote
No shit. The 2nd from the right looks like my dad.
Tikiku t1_j9lax7p wrote
Dude in the middle definitely owned a van with shag carpet on the interior walls
[deleted] t1_j9lbdek wrote
squad1alum t1_j9lbjax wrote
The porn director, his producer and their legal team.
waikikirod t1_j9lbru7 wrote
Dude in the middle has an Evel Knievel stance
herbdoc2012 t1_j9lck97 wrote
Cocaine is a hell of a drug!
Dimple_from_YA t1_j9ldbyq wrote
They need more chest hair
SkyWizarding t1_j9ldlp6 wrote
These dudes are probably like 22
Various_Cricket4695 t1_j9ldyux wrote
The guy in the middle looks like the 3rd Festrunk brother.
vinegarslowly t1_j9le771 wrote
Sky rockets in flight...
wordwordnumber69 t1_j9leqiz wrote
Afternoon delight!
NiteShdw t1_j9lexlp wrote
They were such buddies they needed name tags. 😂
whowouldsaythis t1_j9lf3nr wrote
d r i p
mikevago t1_j9lf69i wrote
Son, Dewey Cox gotta think about his whole life before he poses for a group photo!
ZebraBorgata t1_j9lfilw wrote
Dude in the middle killed a guy with a trident.
calguy1955 t1_j9lfmtk wrote
The Big Chill audition.
ShaneCoJ t1_j9lfneo wrote
Anchorman extras casting?
Uratnik t1_j9lgt3l wrote
The dude in the middle has 100% thought about, and TRIED fucking your mother.
hvanderw t1_j9lhlzy wrote
Play your cards right and you might meet the whole gang.
Brokenose71 t1_j9lhs4d wrote
Looks like good times for your dad
reglyt t1_j9lhzfp wrote
I don’t see what your dad’s politics have to do with this great picture.
SobahJam t1_j9li3y5 wrote
They were all 13 years old in their pic
citznfish t1_j9liu6m wrote
The one in the middle was definitely flying cocaine out of Colombia 🤣😂
Hamsterpatty t1_j9lj52m wrote
I thought that (middle) was a picture of young Hopper (from stranger things)
Puzzleheaded_Heat502 t1_j9ljn2y wrote
Hai Karate aftershave he would have to fight off the women.
FaithIsFoolish t1_j9ljokh wrote
Scarabdick t1_j9lkk8i wrote
This is probably a dumb question but just how far right was he?
casts_a_shadow t1_j9llyhv wrote
The guy in the middle looks like a Captain Planet-style entity the other 4 summoned by each naming the the type of polyester suit they’re wearing.
OctaneRed392 t1_j9lmvlz wrote
Hmm. The title does not check out.
bathsaltssohard t1_j9lmzu6 wrote
Your dads far right?
ac210 t1_j9lnqe2 wrote
Guy in middle definitely supplied the drugs
thisisme760 t1_j9lnu5b wrote
Guy in the middle definitely talked his way into, then immediately out of sex all the time.
mywhataniceham t1_j9loiw7 wrote
you know he had a snake that could dial a phone!?
Bill Brasky!!!!
jaggoffsmirnoff t1_j9los86 wrote
Ted and Andy! We haven't seen you two here in church in a minute.
KeepYaWhipTinted t1_j9lplb2 wrote
Let me guess. They're all 15.
923kjd t1_j9lpp40 wrote
60% of the time he wears it every time.
happyabeja t1_j9lpytp wrote
damn your dads bill hader and he's friends with a weird david tennant and david harbour?
spicy187 t1_j9lq8ic wrote
I bet the dude in the middle LOVES cocaine???
SirMooSquiddles t1_j9lrlrv wrote
I think that IS the guy who invented SexPanther
kirksucks t1_j9lroxk wrote
and blonde Pedro Pascal next to him.
jroc83 t1_j9lsowx wrote
That guy without a doubt has blow
ThorkelOfNamdalen t1_j9lt0ta wrote
Your dad is Bill Hemmer?
Equal_Procedure_167 t1_j9lvcpy wrote
Was this like The Office party cruise with a pic with the captain?
Gekkomoria t1_j9lvi1w wrote
Trevor from gta is your dad?
[deleted] t1_j9lvl63 wrote
roadcrew778 t1_j9lw3sy wrote
Is that in a FALC basement?
RedIcarus1 t1_j9lwbmh wrote
Pretty sure I bought a used car from your dad.
KrazyOldMan5150 t1_j9lwfzx wrote
Riddle is solved. Dude in the middle let the dogs out.
Pachulo5 t1_j9lx68g wrote
I can see all his mates are white but calling him far right is a bit harsh
MargoTheArtHo t1_j9lxeiv wrote
They all look like snl actors
WisdomDirect t1_j9lxprf wrote
Came here to say this
Gromit801 t1_j9ly588 wrote
Very definitely late 70’s
massadark77 t1_j9m068h wrote
I smell sex panther
SoUnProfessional t1_j9m0ede wrote
Looks like a cocktail party. Did they work in sales?
theDart t1_j9m1cg5 wrote
Your Dad still owes me 13£, we'll be in touch
jackietreehorn2000 t1_j9m27p2 wrote
Hard to believe they were all in HS
gkn_112 t1_j9m338o wrote
thats the a-team spin-off
groenwat t1_j9m3ta9 wrote
Shake and Bake!
griff1971 t1_j9m4kot wrote
News team, assemble!
mothfactory t1_j9m6i2r wrote
How do people still manage to get dates wrong on this sub even when the photo is of their parent? This is absolutely the late 70s.
vesper0000 t1_j9m7c46 wrote
Ole dude in the middle had three girlfriends named Stacy.
brightyoungthings t1_j9m7s2e wrote
It’s the pancake breakfast. We do it every month.
SoboNative t1_j9m81n0 wrote
Wouldn’t even hint that your dad is far right on Reddit.
tommys206 t1_j9m9aqv wrote
Guy in the middle could score an 8 ball of coke in a New York minute, anywhere. Guaranteed.
OSUBucky t1_j9m9icd wrote
cecilrt t1_j9mc8pc wrote
oh are we doing a who's in jail, skipped the country, fathered multiple kids?
Colon t1_j9mcnuw wrote
i will never stop coming to this sub to see how significantly and horribly people can botch the doppelgänger game. dennis hopper and pedro pascal?? holy shit
Normal_Bear_1988 t1_j9mcv4i wrote
Micheal Madsen
theycallmenaptime t1_j9mdm1n wrote
That guy in the middle is the quintessential Sex Panther user.
ArchdukeFerdie t1_j9mev0r wrote
My dad is also far right
dj_goofyballs t1_j9mey9h wrote
TheCamoDude t1_j9mfaiy wrote
Oh I was thinking Sherrif Hopper, AKA David Harbour
[deleted] t1_j9mj13c wrote
torinblack t1_j9mj486 wrote
The guy in the middle looks like his name is Mike.
Hannabanana2046 t1_j9mk1om wrote
I zoomed in on the guy in the middle and I think I'm pregnant.
Seanut-Peanut-69 t1_j9mkfhg wrote
They definitely did a fresh line right before this pic lol
Fun_Introduction5384 t1_j9mkmvb wrote
Smells like cigarettes.
88cowboy t1_j9mkr0q wrote
Murder in Miami is a really good podcast about pilots flying cocaine. It's an interesting listen.
[deleted] t1_j9ml24d wrote
thundermaker313 t1_j9ml5jx wrote
Yes, these fellas were a real news team…
giscience t1_j9mm59z wrote
The guy in the middle drove a pontiac firebird. I just know it.
tommy0guns t1_j9mng34 wrote
Your dad may be far right, but the guy in the middle is far out!
BabyBearMan t1_j9mnxqo wrote
That’s one helluva Bar Mitzvah!
RoinSM t1_j9mnyzr wrote
News team assemble
Pleather_Boots t1_j9mo0ch wrote
I know we think they look ridiculous now but it was probably a fun era of clothing for a lot of men.
fbibmacklin t1_j9mo4g7 wrote
David Harbour aka Hopper on Stranger Things.
[deleted] t1_j9momnu wrote
wellhushmypuppies t1_j9mpztp wrote
Not just a yellow leisure suit, but a 3 piecer. Groovy.
AbbreviationsFun4560 t1_j9mq6kb wrote
Guy in middle saying the word Ladies Laaaaaaaay-daaaaaaaayz
BruceFlockaWayne t1_j9mqu5x wrote
too_rolling_stoned t1_j9mqz2o wrote
One of these things is not like the other.
MediocreDad39 t1_j9mqzkf wrote
Your dad's far right? Q-Anon has entered the chat
DesignatedDiverr t1_j9mr2d2 wrote
You just HAD to make it political, huh?
Low_Copy4023 t1_j9ms55p wrote
Pretty sure second from the left was the bad guy in every 80's high school movie.
External-Lie-3658 t1_j9msjk4 wrote
The dude in the middle definitely refers to him self in the 3rd person when he talks to women.
ImpendingSenseOfDoom t1_j9msuj2 wrote
Your dad looks just like a famous actor from that time but I can’t put my finger on what I remember him from or his name. Or if not an actor, some famous person. Like, he just looks so familiar.
TheTaCo88 t1_j9mtoj6 wrote
The original cast of anchorman
HideShadow t1_j9mtvq9 wrote
Everyone looks cool 👍
TheMacroorchidism t1_j9mvf7d wrote
My dad is also far right
bogas11 t1_j9mvgxy wrote
What news channel did they work for?
E-Wildin t1_j9mvrtc wrote
If cocaine was a picture
Kaotecc t1_j9mw38w wrote
Everyone saying it’s hopper in the middle but it looks EXACTLY like Krist Novoselic in the 90’s just with a stache lmao
Aware_Yesterday_1846 t1_j9mwduw wrote
I remember my dad wearing the same shirt as the guy in the center.
CountryOk4176 t1_j9n07es wrote
Guy in the middle fucks.
Plenty-Paramedic8269 t1_j9n0r8l wrote
Dude your Dad was in the Bee-gees? Nice. Also, The guy 2nd from the left almost looks like Christopher Walken.
Dawgs-on-top-88 t1_j9n15tz wrote
Looks like the computer and porn conventions were held at the same hotel
jawnstein82 t1_j9n1fm4 wrote
Channel 7 news team
metaldesign32 t1_j9n1znv wrote
Porn industry execs?
dillrepair t1_j9n27kk wrote
First thing I saw. “Center guy is in the middle for reason”
…. Come get in on some of that rainbow
Hamilton-Beckett t1_j9n2ax4 wrote
I’m trying to party with the guy in the middle.
Mpittkin t1_j9n2q2v wrote
Looks like we got a Mr Rogers, a young James Spader, the child of David Harbor and John C Reilly, Donald Sutherland on acid, aaaaaaaaand your dad.
highknees69 t1_j9n3bf1 wrote
First thought….Ron Burgundy the early years
WinterMedical t1_j9n3igm wrote
Tell me the guy in the center continues to live his best life! Please!
happierinverted t1_j9n4bqf wrote
Ok that’s funny :)
happierinverted t1_j9n4ju0 wrote
With the proceeds from his hit ‘Love Me Sexy’ maybe?
happierinverted t1_j9n4pn4 wrote
By this part of the 70s we’d evolved from Hippy to Disco.
Fine-Weekend-3097 t1_j9n5i1c wrote
Not cool
Hedgehogz_Mom t1_j9n7vz2 wrote
In Florida.
jacksonruckus t1_j9n7ylc wrote
Love this picture, such a cool mixture of personalities and styles. Willing to bet they are/were still close. Sorry, not sure how to phrase it.
OverseerTycho t1_j9n9gho wrote
that dude in the middle drove a sports car and totally got a lot of chicks
jimflanny t1_j9na6jq wrote
3-piece leisure suit 2nd from right. An abomination.
Hmccormack t1_j9naxn9 wrote
Your actual dad is in the middle FYI
Physical-Arrival-868 t1_j9nbae5 wrote
makoadog t1_j9nbm18 wrote
Guy in the middle wears Panther Cologne, guaranteed.
herrservo t1_j9nd64n wrote
Fuck yeah
Rookie_Day t1_j9nhqx0 wrote
Listen all y'all, it's a sabotage
etorres4u t1_j9nm7ev wrote
You can’t get more 70’s than the guy in the middle.
Got_It_Memorized_22 t1_j9no4l4 wrote
Your dad was friends with David Harbor?
SunstormGT t1_j9no9p7 wrote
Lalo casually in the middle.
[deleted] t1_j9nuqhf wrote
What's the badges say
Brinksan51 t1_j9nwzkz wrote
Your Dad looks like Ted Bundt!!
faketannthat t1_j9o1oov wrote
looks more like David Harbour imo
howie-stark t1_j9o9unf wrote
Middle guy is the cliche 70s guy. I dig it.
Roosevelt2000 t1_j9oeazw wrote
Came here looking for this
Tom__mm t1_j9oksx3 wrote
Nice! Looks like the managers got one of the programmers drunk to find out what was really going on.
palabear t1_j9olwvq wrote
Good chance OP is one of them.
DYSLO666 t1_j9ookgp wrote
It's hamburger time!
spencewatson01 t1_j9opq5a wrote
Dude, put a spoiler on this. There are fertile women that could get pregnant just by looking at this photo.
Fleadip t1_j9oqgkj wrote
ButHisHeadComeOff- t1_j9oqwk9 wrote
He was probably considered a moderate in the 70s
Maximum-Thing9968 t1_j9ou15w wrote
Walk Hard
anally_ExpressUrself t1_j9ous7z wrote
Here are their professions, from left to right: lawyer, lawyer, car salesman, cocaine dealer, salesman.
ThePolishKnight t1_j9ov8k3 wrote
At first glance I thought this was a production still from Anchorman!
TheRealTony-Stark t1_j9owixn wrote
The guy in the middle fucks and doesn’t need a name tag
HawkeyeTen t1_j9p0m5v wrote
You honestly have a point.
HawkeyeTen t1_j9p0qot wrote
Those cars just yelled manliness in that era, it seems.
Remarkable_CL t1_j9p3q7y wrote
The guy in the middle was the last one to "get serious" but now owns 15 Buffalo Wild Wings in the tri state area and a boat called "Wingin It."
tei187 t1_j9p85pl wrote
Jesus... My first thought was that your dad is the one most seemingly "far right", not that he's the one standing on the far right side.
UpgrayeddSmurphy t1_j9p8gqt wrote
"You can take the children..... but you leave me my monkey."
Jonesy_2ls t1_j9p96gr wrote
100% the guy in the middle is as bald as a cue ball now and thinks about his majestic mane daily.
heroesarestillhuman t1_j9pa9pc wrote
"How 1970's is this picture? The answer is none. None more 1970's than this."
Feeling-Permission53 t1_j9pbjb6 wrote
There he is in Florida. Living his best life.
talentsmart t1_j9peua9 wrote
We all know the man in the middle sucked the ladies in like a tractor beam.
[deleted] t1_j9phd9w wrote
tirnanog22 t1_j9pty9p wrote
There was no disco in the early 70's , it didnt take off until the mid 70's .
[deleted] t1_j9q57cc wrote
DaKKn t1_j9q6byv wrote
DaKKn t1_j9q6s1o wrote
Just realized guy to the right is really Ted.
jroc83 t1_j9qayhr wrote
I also would love to know why the guy on the immediate left is pretending to either hold a drink or feed the geese
El_Hijo_Desobediente t1_j9rtlp5 wrote
A motley crew of proto-Chads.
fenway206 t1_j9ud40y wrote
I want that shirt
Lachrondizzle23 t1_j9yeehe wrote
I googled “Cocane Bear” for movie times this weekend and this guys picture came up.
tirnanog22 t1_j9kep4r wrote
Wheres all the long hair ?