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ManualNotStandard t1_iufgmvm wrote

Ahh, you are Michael Anthony! (bass player for Van Halen)


enzo_baglioni t1_iufgx35 wrote

Looks like the man the man John Walsh warned me about


noisypeach t1_iufh2bk wrote

Silent Bob meets Cat Stevens


nissansue t1_iuflbvw wrote

Did I buy weed from you in the mid 80s?


StevenArviv t1_iufqzcv wrote

Bro. Awesome pic. You look like every weed dealer from that time period.

I have to know... what kind of car did you drive? I'm guessing a mid 80s Monte Carlo or a Cutlass Supreme with a Scorpions tape stuck in the deck.


Orly_A505 t1_iufx7cs wrote

Looks like a pro wrassler


DWright_5 t1_iug1zce wrote

Looks like the guy I buy my weed from right now


WasabiZone13 t1_iugjt7a wrote

And still a narcissistic douchebag to this day.


JoeyBeltram t1_iuglgv3 wrote

I get strong fingerless leather glove vibes from this picture


zubaz69 t1_iuh099a wrote

Beneath that mullet lurked the mind of a killer


saltycustarddrops t1_iuhzgq7 wrote

Fuck it! There's so much shit that pisses me off! You guys should recruit, 'cause I'm sick and fucking tired of walking down the street, waiting for one of these crack-piping, ass-wiping, motherless lowlifes to get me!


Takpusseh-yamp t1_iui06lr wrote

Bald in 3 years. Hope you were able to lock down a hot wife before then.


toddhd OP t1_iui3zbc wrote

Was a massive pot-head back then, quit for about 25 years, and then started again. Thankfully, I live in a state where it is legal to grow or buy. I don't miss having to deal with drug dealers. But yes, at the time, I sold it too.


toddhd OP t1_iui4h8r wrote

Nah, but I could have played one on TV. I looked scary, but my nickname at the time was "Toddy Bear" if that gives you any idea.... I was mostly mush.


toddhd OP t1_iui4r62 wrote

I understand your frustration. But I say, look inward. Rather than waiting for lowlife to randomly get you, you should go the low-life and demand to be dealt with now. Don't let others decide your fate.



JoeyBeltram t1_iui4zcm wrote

Lol, there’s still an operating Pep Boys near me and I’m just like, How?! Also, when I was a kid and the skating rink was the place to be, they had a vending machine with fingerless gloves in it…


DWright_5 t1_iuid2ms wrote

Me too. Same same. I started again (after 24 years) because I’d gained a ton of weight from drinking too much. I cut out 80% of the alcohol and sort of replaced it with weed. I don’t think many doctors would tell you to do that, but my doc told me very sternly that I was risking serious health issues, and probably sooner than later, if I didn’t lose weight.

But, I knew from my past that daily weed use acts as an appetite depressant for me. So I did it. Now I’ve lost 60+ pounds, and my doc is thrilled. He didn’t even react much when I told him how I did it.

(Full disclosure: I did do a number of other things to facilitate the weight loss.)


toddhd OP t1_iuipsen wrote

That fantastic to hear, good for you! I'm glad you found what works for you, and yeah, both the weight loss AND the lack of alcohol will add years to your life, not to mention the quality of it.

At the time of this photo, I had a drug "problem". I used drugs so I wouldn't have to feel anything or deal with anything. I numbed out and stayed numb. It wasn't much of a life, and it took a suicide attempt for me to give it up.

That being said, I suffer from complex PTSD, depression and anxiety (among other things) due to extensive childhood trauma. That's what I was trying to drown out in the first place. Now, I've learned that I can use pot to "lower the volume" of the trauma, not to avoid dealing with it, but to get it to a level where I CAN deal with it. I've made huge strides in my mental and emotional health as a result, it's been a godsend.


toddhd OP t1_iuiq6mn wrote

Ah, yes, I'm sure a lot of people got the skating rink and panicked over not having fingerless gloves, and were so relieved to find them there :) LOL

The 80's were a strange time.

I'm shocked that there is still an operating Pep Boys. What state are you in?