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Th3L45tBroth3r t1_itmer8j wrote

Rocking the Blues, whilst hating the Blacks.


Doobledorf t1_itmfl13 wrote

Recording blues songs he didn't even write and putting his name on it while hating the very group of people who wrote those songs.

It's obscene how many classic blues tracks are difficult to find because this asshole did an okay cover of it.


joeythenose t1_itmpasm wrote

"Okay" is a bit on the generous side IMO


Doobledorf t1_itmrhpk wrote

Absolutely, I just didn't want a bunch "well but he was pretty good" comments.

Nah, listen to some BB King or some shit.


Move-Over-Rover-LJTO t1_iu7tw2g wrote

he didn't hate black people, and he gave royalties to those original blues artists too ! unlike other 60s blues rock counterparts


RagingLeonard t1_itlul6p wrote



blageur t1_itlvs0j wrote



[deleted] t1_itm0xer wrote



blageur t1_itm3du1 wrote

It was 50 fucking years ago and he was a junkie at the time. People do and say stupid shit. Doesn't make him a lifelong racist any more than you posting this nonsense makes you a social justice warrior.


[deleted] t1_itm3zzt wrote



tok33 t1_itm4k4u wrote

Well too bad you don't play guitar, or you could be our hero.

It's exhausting to see the same dummies react the same way to the same 150 pictures that get posted here.


[deleted] t1_itm5cth wrote



6inDCK420 t1_itnn4fs wrote

So was Bowie really a nazi? Drugs can definitely make you believe some crazy shit which can make you say crazy shit. Ask me how I know


blageur t1_itm6r3o wrote

Thank you. Fuck these keyboard ninjas racing in to be the first to scream racist or pedophile every damn time. Next she'll be correcting your grammar.


ObjectiveGlittering t1_itmd509 wrote

Imagine being this upset that your racist idol gets called out for being racist and your first thought is to try and shush the dog whistle.

Also this pic is a racist trying to impersonate the better guitar player. Funny thing is that without the caption, most of us would have little idea who he is. Jimi on the other hand?


blageur t1_itmtd6r wrote

Any time someone starts a comment with "Imagine..." I don't even read it because I know it's just some self-righteous dickhole preening for likes.


ObjectiveGlittering t1_itmve8z wrote

You’re going with the: “I don’t always read. But I always comment!” defense?


XxStormcrowxX t1_itnk9ip wrote

"I don't read what makes me look stupid. Checkmate."



Torn8Dough t1_itm4skc wrote

It was recently, while the white supremest, rapist, lying POS was pretending to be a president while destroying democracy one step at a time. Clapton was up there shouting at people from stage. He was banned from playing a lot of places. Not sure if that’s improved for him, but he really took a turn during the pandemic. Personally, he was a life long hero to me. But, I will no longer support him nor listen to his music. People like that need to just die.


blageur t1_itm7u54 wrote

It was 1976, and Clapton has owned up to it, saying he's ashamed of himself for it, and he was a nasty person back then. So he's acknowledged his wrongs, and tried to make amends for them. But you feel he should just die. No forgiveness - just die. Who's the bigger asshole here?


FuukReddit t1_itpu3x7 wrote

>while the white supremest, rapist, lying POS was pretending to be a president while destroying democracy one step at a time

Oh My Lord!

You are so fucking virtuous!

(creams in pants)


[deleted] t1_itlv5ss wrote



HappyHarryHardOn t1_itm6dcp wrote

Anti-vax wife stealer


hcashew t1_itmena4 wrote

Inexplicably, George was OK with him stealing his wife. More forgiving than most, but he was a Beatle and the rebound would be as simple as snapping his fingers. No worries, mate!


joeythenose t1_itmpkdl wrote

If you are truly done with your SO having someone come along and steal her must come as quite a relief


Surfguitar t1_itnqows wrote

If you read Patty Boyd's autobio - they both sucked.


CJnella91 t1_itme6u6 wrote

He's anti vaxx too? Yea fuck that guy.


Corwyntt t1_itnlm4u wrote

He said he had some severe health problems after he took the vaccine. Don't remember the details.


HappyHarryHardOn t1_itmk350 wrote

Even wrote a shitty song about it in 2021:

"I can't take this BS any longer

It's gone far enough

If you wanna claim my soul

You'll have to come and break down this door" ("this Has Gotta Stop")


CJnella91 t1_itn1sqn wrote

Sounds like your typical Qultist/Antivaxxer, Gross. The racist shit is enough for me to hate this guy even if it was 50 years ago but knowing he's had shitty views recently makes me beleive he hasn't changed in the slightest.


PocketDog t1_itmr0vk wrote



broomandkettle t1_itnhjxd wrote

I’m sorry you got downvoted. He has admitted that he abused and raped his then wife back when he was a raging alcoholic.


PocketDog t1_itow3dc wrote

Yeah I don't run around calling people rapists generally, as a rule. He had admitted it.


Doobledorf t1_itmfbev wrote

"Can't wait to record some blues standards that are over a century old and put my name on it."


MountainPK t1_itndakm wrote

Fuck Clapton. Always and forever.


galwegian t1_itmtan3 wrote

Probably hiding from Ginger Baker.


Surfguitar t1_itnquoh wrote

Coke, heroin, cigarettes, booze, all good. Vaccines - get those dangerous drugs away from me.


PrimalNumber t1_itmo0yx wrote

He carries his racism around in that little blue purse of his. Oh, and heroin needles.


Nicetillnot t1_itn7523 wrote

Nice kit bag for his i.v. rig. Is that his tourniquet sticking out the back?


oldfrancis t1_itm0pyn wrote

When men flirted with the idea of looking pretty...


ffjsksgj t1_itng009 wrote

“Hello, I play black music but I’m a racist”


Polls-from-a-Cadet t1_itnj4ac wrote

It makes me happy to see all of the fuck this guy comments here. I have a 4’X6’ Portrait of the guy he was intimidated by: Jimi. The real genius that Clapton never was


XxStormcrowxX t1_itnjm4h wrote

Was he already a sack of shit here or did that come later?


DemonSteveO t1_itmdyet wrote

Looks like some guy from Hendrix's backing band!


swkennedy1 t1_itneor1 wrote

Once an asshole, always an asshole. Hiding from Greek music promoter?


UndyingQuasar t1_itnw5ct wrote

"Al does this dress make my ass look big?"


saucyB52 t1_itoeyao wrote

everyone looked like they wanted to be ziggy stardust

or was it bowie tryna look like clap shut yur trap boy


VividLifeToday t1_itlwkbl wrote

Killer boots man!


-Ripper2 t1_itneqsh wrote

Looks like his python boots were too tight. He couldn’t get them off last night.


lewoo7 t1_itngtua wrote

This fucking racist thief and fraud.


craigathan t1_itnj5b3 wrote

Fuck this poser ass dude.


LordZany t1_itnojbl wrote

What’s in the satchel God?


Embrourie t1_itnqe6t wrote

Anyone seeing Flight of the Concords here?
The episode where the guys bike helmet has a wig of his hair on it?


Mdubw t1_ito8cnt wrote

Fuck that guy


FuukReddit t1_itpubhu wrote

Rocking the bathroom perm!

All the wittle SJWs come out to chant "ha a wasist!" You give my hardon meaning!


Harley_FLHX t1_itm12kx wrote

Tina Turner was like "Imma do that"


screamlikeapanther t1_itm6sv4 wrote

Only the esentials. Hair, cuffs, boots, shaving kit (cocaine kit).


hoodah88 t1_itmo7ck wrote



barfsicle t1_itmrqfx wrote

Once a douche always a douche


FullRollingBoil t1_itn6lsl wrote

Made a career from ripping off Freddy King


stormcloudless t1_itmlo4v wrote

He really changed. Such a dickhead, but great musician


elbelle6 t1_itnkfzm wrote

This Racist asshole can fuck right off


dofyman t1_itlzd17 wrote

Why is this guys guitars worth so much? And why, when they’re everywhere?


anm89 t1_itn9p45 wrote

Boomers really deserve all the hate they get


sluwecki t1_itlvd4d wrote

What a boss


[deleted] t1_itmf8p2 wrote



nonaffiliated t1_itmk8v0 wrote

Threw the kid out the window? Am I missing the sarcasm or ?


martiniolives2 t1_itmond2 wrote

Aside from the fact that Eric was nowhere near the hotel when his son tragically fell, you're gonna do well as a Fox News stringer.


FrigOffR1cky t1_itmpct2 wrote

The liberal media wants you to believe that he wasn’t in the hotel, and he certainly wasn’t there when the police arrived, but he was there


passwordsarehard_3 t1_itne3xz wrote

Why would the liberal media cover for him when he is a very outspoken conservative who actively campaignes against liberal agendas? I just want to see how you spin this shit around in your head.


Move-Over-Rover-LJTO t1_itlsseh wrote

Goat 🐐
