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t1_itg26i2 wrote

I thought no self respecting Aussie drank that stuff?


t1_itg2drh wrote

They don’t. I doubt I could buy it if I wanted it, it’s hard to find here. Last time I had it was in Queensland 15 years ago.


t1_itg4m8q wrote

Wonder if it's because he's in Singapore and it was the 90s.

Singapore probably didn't have a big local craft brew scene then and the store probably had Fosters, Heineken, Bud Heavy, and Lowenbrau.


t1_itg6o3w wrote

Still Tiger would of been a better choice.


t1_itg6ow8 wrote

Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake.

It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of.

Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything.

Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


t1_itg4jic wrote

It's bordering on being unAustralian to even consider drinking it.


t1_itg4wbk wrote

It was still reasonably common here in the early 90s, but on its way out. My Da drank it from time to time round then, but by the mid 90s when I started with the teenage binge drinking they were pretty much gone from bottleos.


t1_itgtrr3 wrote

I came to say basically the same thing. I've been told Fosters is Australian for shit and nobody drinks it.


t1_itgayn2 wrote

I feel like your Aussie dad is being ironic drinking foster’s and wearing an akubra


t1_itgw2ks wrote

So funny. I worked at a ski resort in Colorado USA and we had a bunch of young adults from Australia come to work the winter.

At the time there were two regular commercials on USA tv.
One was for Fosters

The second was for Subaru Outback. It was set in some outback village and was a bit silly. Had a crock in a mudhole in the middle of the street. Kangaroos hopping down the street. These Crockadile Dundee type guys walking around.

One of the people working for me said she had never heard of Fosters and wondered if we Yanks thought that was what the streets of Australia were really like.


t1_ith1mhl wrote

It is Australian and was relatively popular some decades ago. Its fallen in popularity significantly though. I can't figure out if Australians are genuinely ignorant when they say they don't drink it and have never heard of it or if its a spontaneous, international gaslighting attempt by the entire Australian diaspora. The anger in their eyes when they assert that it was never popular makes me assume its the latter.


t1_ithjpli wrote

Aussie here. Fosters was just never a popular or well liked beer in Australia. People drank the preferred beers in whatever state they lived in. Or VB.

These days it's different, there's such a wide variety of beers now, craft and independent breweries etc. But the mainstream mass market beers are still popular state by state.


OP t1_ith67t2 wrote

This is excellent! I’m going to have to search for that ad- it sounds like a riot!


t1_itg1j8n wrote

I used to have those socks


OP t1_itg2627 wrote

Funnily enough I’ve got a pair just like them! Thankfully not the same, stinking 90s pair shown in this pic!


t1_iti7kut wrote

Did every Aussie Dad in the 90s have those socks? I swear my Dad had them too!


t1_itg4gsn wrote

I feel like every dad around that time had those socks.


t1_ithlbiw wrote

No VB? It was the beer of choice by nearly every Aussie I met when I was there in the late 90s.


t1_itiyusv wrote

This guy has played knifey spoony before.


t1_itg4si7 wrote

Aggressively Aussie.. even tho the entire concept of Fosters is an exported prank lol


t1_itg5dmp wrote

Is it true Fosters isn't even sold in Australia?


t1_itgdapo wrote

Not really. There was one old school sports bar in Perth that had foster you could get as takeaway and that's the only time I've ever seen it bought or sold in the 18 years I've been here.

Each state has its regional brews and now craft beer has exploded and we have hundreds of better choices than fosters


t1_itg5oj1 wrote

But did he dump the cocaines in the bowl of hot water at the party he went to the night before?


t1_ith7vpk wrote

lol nice, I dont know why people downvote, thanks for the reminder to rewatch that one


t1_itgullp wrote

He's going to spill so much on that white shirt sitting like that if the opening on the can poured as weirdly back then as it does now.


t1_ithbegr wrote

I see the brick cellar phone I remember those and too big to fit in your pocket


t1_ithf69a wrote

Man when I was in Vegas for my wedding back in 2012, Foster's was EVERYWHERE there. I passed out more than once that week having some Fosters.


t1_ithmq3b wrote

What's the best cheap lager in Straya nowadays?

I used to love Foster's commercials in the early aughts.


t1_itho5dv wrote

OG cellphone. Some come with a bag the size of a lunchbox.


t1_iti8sb2 wrote

I was there as an expat in 92. Who was he working with?


t1_iti8vnc wrote

aussies r lucky, so far away from other white cultures that they have to go out into the wider world to find out

and if they just lazy travel, theres always all those indo china islands to lounge around in, theyr super close


t1_itifg1e wrote

I thought Australians didn’t actually drink Fosters, that it was mostly for export and tourists. It’s not a very good beer, it kinda sucks. I hope there is better beer in Australia, if not come to Canada lol


t1_itih8oh wrote

Made from gum leaves and koala piss


t1_itineqg wrote

They was a great space movie that came out that year


t1_itixsl0 wrote

My friend lived in Australia for 2 years and they said Foster's beer was basically crap beer and they would ship it off to the United States where they didn't know any better funny.


t1_itjxy6r wrote

"Fosters: Australian for Job Interview Waiting Room"


t1_itgjs3k wrote

While everyone talks about beer, I’ll just note the standard public housing window grills