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mirosironen t1_irvof7n wrote

She looks modern, like this could've been taken ysterday. Yes I know who she was and the sad disturbign story.


pinkleaf8 t1_irxxdyl wrote

Exactly what I thought. Everything about the photo looks current, I’d believe this is a recent photo.


TheMoistReality t1_is1veyg wrote

everything from the black and white, to the no bra. it just screams 2020s


Pukelele76 t1_irx2x91 wrote

It’s a strange feeling looking at photos someone who was so gruesomely murdered living their best life. She was gorgeous.


TittyButtBalls t1_irvrgj1 wrote

Goodness she was beautiful. Hope all those shitty little Manson kids have enjoyed their long term prison sentences


Mehnard t1_irvxbw8 wrote

It's a shame they had long prison sentences when they should have gotten short ropes.


pduncpdunc t1_irw7mha wrote

Sounds like the easy way out. Life in prison is much worse IMO


qh2150 t1_irwg2ln wrote

That must be why all death row inmates spend most of their sentence trying to get their executions stayed.


tiy24 t1_irz9ghy wrote

If you think the state should execute people you’re accepting that eventually (and it’s way more common) an innocent will be killed. I think that’s immoral


DeylanQuel t1_irzvza4 wrote

My beef has always been "You murdered those people. That was wrong, so we're going to murder you. But, like, it's cool when we do it."


qh2150 t1_is0elqt wrote

Like arresting and imprisoning someone who illegally kidnapped and restrained someone? I mean there are a ton of examples of that. F for logic.


qh2150 t1_irzqucp wrote

“Way more common” than what? In the modern era with DNA the requirement for convictions are extremely high. Not saying it won’t happen, but one thing I definitely recommend is reading some of the current death row inmate court summaries in say Texas to see what we’re really talking about. But yes in some capacity it could happen. However none of this is actually relevant to what was being discussed which was an earlier post’s poorly reasoned argument that life sentence was somehow worse. Which brings another point. Clearly if you believe in prison you have to accept that at some point someone will be innocently held for life. Also morally wrong, and apparently by the earlier post’s weak logic, worse. Legalizing drivers licenses means inevitably a child will get run down by someone late for work or texting while driving. A proper discussion needs more than platitudes.


erikarew t1_irw959l wrote

This has always been my reasoning for being against the death penalty. No danger of wrongfully killing an innocent person nor forcing the family of a convict to watch them die, and a more lingering punishment for actual deserving criminals.


Intelligent-Fox-4599 t1_irwg6gn wrote

Except Cali is so liberal it allows these criminals conjugal visits and they have offspring🙄Nothing against Cali but why breed murderers?


straight_up_tabled t1_irxepvu wrote

Why the downvotes? People are so fucked up


Intelligent-Fox-4599 t1_irxggmt wrote

I’m not taking it personally. I love California, I just don’t believe violent criminals should procreate.


Ralfarius t1_irykxue wrote

I kind of get where you're coming from, but what you're suggesting is dangerously close to advocating for eugenics.


Coupon_Ninja t1_irz8kog wrote

I think it’s more you don’t want to give killers that level of satisfaction. Don’t be cruel, but don’t let them be grandpas. That’s not a right.


DeylanQuel t1_irzw44e wrote

Their spouses did not commit crimes. Their spouses still have the right to have a family with the people they married. It's not so much about giving perks to the felons as it is not removing rights from someone else.


Belteshazzar98 t1_irz0047 wrote

So you support eugenics, with the government saying who is and isn't allowed to have kids?


qh2150 t1_irwg7i7 wrote

Most families advocate for the closure of execution and the majority of death row inmates fight to get their executions stayed.


erikarew t1_irwjh8j wrote

"Family members of murder victims share no single, uniform response to the death penalty, but two recent publications illustrate that a growing number of these families are now advocating against capital punishment." (Death Penalty


qh2150 t1_irxaiad wrote

Right but “a growing proportion” is not a majority or even implicitly a large amount, which points to the fallacy there. Even just nationwide 65% of people (Pew) favor the death penalty and in the vast majority of death row cases the families continue to advocate for the penalty while convicts fight against it. Tells you all you need to know. Look at the casework.


_forum_mod t1_irz1two wrote

I've always agreed with that. Having to suffer in a cage for the rest of your life seems much worse than being taken out early.


theghostofgotti t1_irxp58y wrote

Ever done time? I guarantee every single one of those pieces of shit had TV's in their cells, warm food in their stomachs every night and never had to worry about paying bills or figuring out how they were getting to work when the car wouldn't start. Death sentences are worse (i.e. Death Row). Much worse, and exactly what those cowardly fucks deserved.


welloiledmachine94 t1_irws9ln wrote

I never understand why people say this. Many criminals actually enjoy prison life, living scot-free. They certainly would take it over death.


lateralus9679 t1_irwrnj4 wrote

But it costs far less on taxpayers to just end the lives of those who commit heinous crimes vs stringing them along in the beyond shit show of a prison system the US has.


xxwetdogxx t1_irwslrr wrote

It's the opposite, death penalty is more expensive. More lawyers, more appeals, etc.


Mythecity t1_irxemi6 wrote

I agree. I’m sure it’s expensive, but it doesn’t have to be and it shouldn’t be.


Competitive_Effort13 t1_itiit4t wrote

How can people be so confidently wrong about shit?


lateralus9679 t1_itij72n wrote

Explain to me how keeping prisoners alive for 20-50 years feeding and clothing them VS just sending them to the chair like they deserve is somehow less expensive? I'll wait.....


The_Sanch1128 t1_irxe8m6 wrote

They were all sentenced to death, but in 1972 the California Supreme Court ruled the state's death sentence statutes to be unconstitutional, and all of the state's death sentences were commuted to life imprisonment.

When the state legislature wrote a new death sentence bill a few years later and the governor signed it, there was no retroactive provision in it, so their sentences remained at life imprisonment.


daschle04 t1_iry2q33 wrote

Fun fact, Tex Watson is still in jail, but has found Jesus and is sorry. Also, they let him get married and father children while there.


lagocomo t1_irzbhva wrote

Pfffffff, don’t they all find Jesus when they go to prison.......🙄


ArthurMaxley t1_is04irc wrote

I think they all find a big Mexican guy called Jesús rather


raccafarian t1_irzk4eh wrote

I think Sharon’s sister helped get a law passed that convicted violent offenders can’t have conjugal visits. Or felons in general I can’t remember exactly. My aunts murderer also fathered children while incarcerated so strange.


_forum_mod t1_irz1zxd wrote

If I'm not mistaken, isn't there one who just wouldn't budge and stood by her killing? She might be dead now. Can't remember.


moves_likemacca t1_irza56d wrote

Squeaky Fromme is out in the world. She didn't participate in the murders but she was part of the cult and she tried to assassinate Gerald Ford.


Badger_phone t1_irzdabv wrote

In an alternate universe, a pitt bull castrated Tex and her owner took out another follower. His boss took the third one out with a flamethrower.


fbibmacklin t1_irzl4c9 wrote

Just watched that last night (for probably the tenth time). It’s a fave.


FlexWatson t1_irwsglg wrote

Wow she was so pretty


Summerlea623 t1_irwxfjd wrote

Agreed. Elizabeth Taylor once had Sharon removed from a film set because she felt intimidated and jealous.

Elizabeth FREAKIN' Taylor.


Coupon_Ninja t1_irzfucj wrote

Carol Burnett is the ”anti” Elizabeth Taylor IMO. Opposite personalities.


AUXONE t1_irzg11r wrote



DeylanQuel t1_irzvu9l wrote

Carol Burnett went out of her way to hire someone who was basically a younger prettier version of herself (Vicki Lawrence)


Petey57 t1_irwe2ro wrote

I watched Once Upon a Time in Hollywood recently. I was 12 when they murdered Sharon and her friends and it has always haunted me. The movie ending was extremely emotional for me. I didn't expect how cathartic it would be.


kevnmartin t1_irws9hp wrote

It's a fairy tale. That night some wanna be badasses ran into some real badasses. Sharon and Jay and their friends are never hurt. I cry at the end of that movie every time.


fbibmacklin t1_irzlcj5 wrote

It’s just the best ending. If the multiverse is real, maybe there’s a universe where this is how that night ended. I’d like to hope that’s the case.


MayorBobbleDunary t1_irwjqzu wrote

I found it oddly explotive. Knowing the history, we spend almost 3 hours wondering when/how the guy who blows off heads and cuts off arms will show the drugged up hippies murder. Then be like, naw that didn't happen.

Not throwing shade at you or Tarantino, it just didn't have the same hit as seeing Hitler being mowed down with a machine gun.


HoselRockit t1_irx7n6b wrote

I went into the movie not knowing much about the story. I was quite bored and when Manson showed up, I knew where the plot was going and was not in the mood for it so I bailed.


orcus74 t1_irycuqe wrote

I originally watched it with some slightly younger relatives that knew nothing about the Manson family stuff, so a lot of the parts of the movie that had an impact on me didn't have the same effect on them. When the hippie girl tells Cliff she's headed to the Spahn movie ranch, I said "Oh shit!", and they all just looked confused by my reaction.

Recently, I've been watching through all of the Tarantino movies with my son, and before we watched Once Upon a Time, I told him to take 15 minutes to read the wikipedia article about the Manson family murders.


Petey57 t1_iryz2ev wrote

The whole idea is so unbelievable. Back then hippies were seen as peace and love. The Manson Family was the opposite of what the 60s was supposed to be!


Ok_Departure2655 t1_iryqzmr wrote

Besides her looks, she was classy, sweet and gentle (I believe). I wonder what she would have done with her life after their baby boy, Paul was born? I'm thinking that she would have relished in the joys of motherhood. I hope she's been getting to do just that this whole time since. And forever. ❤️ ❤️🦋My Dylan boy is waiting for me to do that too.


luckytraptkillt t1_irvqogx wrote

What a pleasant demeanor. Be a shame if a psycho convinced some followers to murder her and try and set the crime scene up in a way to cause a perpetual race war where black people win and earlier mentioned psycho who was hiding in the desert comes out and becomes a god king to them. Or whatever the Beatles were talking about.


poohfan t1_irx2odf wrote

Technically, they never specifically set out to murder Tate. The house belonged to Terry Melcher, who Manson had a grudge against, for refusing to produce his album. Tate & Polanski were renting it from Melcher, but Manson didn't know that. Tate & her friends were really just in the wrong place at the wrong time, because the group was supposed to kill Melcher.


magyarsvensk t1_irxvqjv wrote

Manson did know that. He visited the house looking for Melcher and found Tate there.

Even though his initial visit was motivated by a dispute with Melcher, it’s pretty clear that Tate was the target.


jrex703 t1_irw4se1 wrote

Well if Catcher in the Rye had worked in a more timely manner, Lennon would never have written the song and Sharon Tate would still be alive.


stomach t1_irw94gf wrote

mccartney wrote Helter Skelter


MutinyMate t1_irwag98 wrote

Not sure why you got downvoted, he absolutely did!

Paul was inspired by a review of an upcoming album by "The Who". When the album wasn't as he'd imagined, he wrote what he expected which was the sound of Helter Skelter.

Source: lifetime fan whose heard TONS of these small tangential stories


stomach t1_irwe15z wrote

-yet another Beatles song which practically invented a new sub-genre in rock-

thanks for the anecdote, hadn't heard that one. he musta been really disappointed in that album to out-rock them so hard lol


jrex703 t1_irwevs8 wrote

But then my joke doesn't work. I mean it already didn't, but it works even less.


luckytraptkillt t1_irw4ygu wrote

Haha holy shit blaming John Lennon is a wild take, let’s goooo


jrex703 t1_irwfmbu wrote

If a psychopath had killed celebrity X for no reason earlier, then another psychopath wouldn't have been inspired to kill celebrity Y for no reason later. It's all very Pepe Silvia.

But McCartney wrote "Helter Skelter", so the joke doesn't work in the first place.


SwimmingBeneficial93 t1_irwo9mk wrote

Gorgeous in a mostly natural way. Not absolutely covered in face contouring makeup.


Summerlea623 t1_irwwypv wrote

Her sister said Sharon wore as little makeup as she could get away with, just Vaseline on her lips and some eye pencil. She bought all her stuff at Rexall drugstore which blew me away when I read it.

Also Roman didn't like her to wear any.

In the photos of the last day of her life she wasn't wearing any makeup at all....and she was just unbelievably beautiful.


The_Sanch1128 t1_irxdppl wrote

She was something like eight months pregnant at the time of her death. My gosh, no wonder Roman went off the rails (not that I'm excusing him for anything).


magyarsvensk t1_irxvxx7 wrote

He was off having an affair with Michelle Phillips at the time. Should have been with his pregnant wife.

Also, she confided in friends that he would force her to have filmed drug-fueled orgies at their house.


The_Sanch1128 t1_irz3so1 wrote

Actually, he was in Europe filming at the time of her murder. I agree that he should have been with her.

As for Michelle Phillips, perhaps he was having an affair with her, but I haven't read of it, and it was not while he was in Europe making the film.


Summerlea623 t1_iryydtf wrote

She was closer to 9 months pregnant...due to give birth in about 2 weeks.


The_Sanch1128 t1_irz3yi7 wrote

You're right. I was at work when I typed that and didn't have time to look up the exact stage of her pregnancy.


Summerlea623 t1_irzjtab wrote

Coroner Thomas Noguchi removed a perfectly formed male fetus at the autopsy. The baby didn't have any marks or injuries whatsoever

Heartbreaking, heartbreaking. RIP.


DumbWhore4 t1_irwwbd7 wrote

What’s wrong with face contouring makeup?


SwimmingBeneficial93 t1_irx14dk wrote

The Kardashians have brought wearing layered on makeup to a new level. Sephora is always jamm packed with customers . I like makeup don’t get me wrong but it’s gotten out of hand in my view. And I have seen many contouring tutorials where they layer a ton of makeup. This is just my opinion that it’s gotten to be too much on the everyday woman’s face.


BCBP4 t1_irx94tq wrote

RIP Sharon


tm64158 t1_iry1r4v wrote

Wow this comment section got dumb real fast.


_forum_mod t1_irz21cd wrote

It's all mainly about how hot she was.


Hype-And-Style t1_irzw0ce wrote

Don't forget the people who have constructed an entire persona of her based off of this one photo


csking77 t1_irygzrw wrote

Her husband raped an underage girl and fled the country


Toasted_Ottleday t1_iryyy2y wrote

where are my darts & pic of charles manson ? F that guy to hell.


VeroCdeW t1_irzbxuz wrote



Butt-Ugly-1984 t1_is0hzf8 wrote

This World would have been a better place without Manson.


Pavok t1_iry7xqw wrote



L3sPau1 t1_iryfar6 wrote

She was perfect wow. Imagine that face with today’s social media behind it


duderonomy12 t1_irymgcl wrote

Probably the most beautiful actress in Hollywood history.


PhilaTesla t1_irzga8h wrote

Ava Gardner would like a word.

She was so gorgeous that Frank SINATRA almost committed suicide over her.


gmoney1259 t1_irz7ww6 wrote

I don't really know who she is but very beautiful 😍


lagocomo t1_irzbe3e wrote

I love the photo of her on the beach in Cannes. So stylish and contemporary looking.


leebrown23 t1_irznjrv wrote

In another universe, she is alive and well on that fateful night
thanks to Leo and Brad Pitt.


NoOrganization392 t1_irzvhti wrote

Meow, She so Beautiful, but She was Murdered by Manson Family in Cold Blooded.


davtruss t1_irzyxww wrote

It's even sadder that she and the others who died at that house were victims of mistaken identity/address. The house had once belonged to a record producer who had told Manson he couldn't cut it in the music industry.


BNR_ t1_is03fg7 wrote

What a beautiful lady. What happened to her, with those scums of the earth, did they target her house or just a random attack?


lamepenny t1_is0fw9s wrote

The weird thing about this Murder is Sharon is a Distant Cousin of Charles Manson And they both never knew they were.


tituspullo63 t1_irz27fr wrote

She was so incredibly gorgeous! It was such a tragedy!


Hype-And-Style t1_irzvycz wrote

This is not a 1968 photo Photos were not this crisp in 1968. Even modern rendering is unable to perfect it to this degree.


foundsomeoldphotos t1_is4fw8f wrote

you don't know what you're talkign about. Film has incredibly high resolution.


gwynsbooty OP t1_is04oly wrote

I’ve seen photos from the late 50’s early 60’s that look far more crisp. And I’ve even seen films from the 40s that look as good. Also she died in 69 so I’m not sure when you assume it was taken.


theghostofgotti t1_irxoilx wrote

Didn't a friend of hers hit one of the Manson animals in the head with a can of dog food while tripping balls on acid, this ultimately saving her life? Fuck, real life is wild.


Automatic_Flight_659 t1_irw9k3s wrote

I know everyone hates Polanski in the U.S., but when you think about his experience … Adolf Hitler killed off his family, then a couple of decades later Manson killed his beautiful wife and unborn child … I always marvel that he made compelling, tho often harrowing movies instead of becoming a killer himself.


SD_TMI t1_irwhymd wrote

Well if she never got together with Roman then she’d be alive and very likely to have grown to being the mother of beautiful children.

Roman is a little shit of a human being (imo) that didn’t deserve to be with such a beauty.


MayorBobbleDunary t1_irwkdb0 wrote

... if she hadent been murdered perhaps he wouldn't have done such a shitty thing. They could have have very nice and polite children, unfortunately not beautiful.


kevnmartin t1_irwsjey wrote

The shitty stuff he did happened long before he met her.


MayorBobbleDunary t1_irwvlfc wrote

I guess that depends on what shitty stuff you're referring to. I was referring to him sodomizing a 14 year old. Which happened after the tate murder.
