CucaMonga6425 OP t1_iwd9rcj wrote
I can’t blame that on my parents I’ve always had a unique sense of style lol 😂
biff444444 t1_iwdb3e5 wrote
Revenge: when they get old, do not take care of them, instead just remind them about this haircut. Fair is fair.
ZoeNowhere t1_iwdbnqd wrote
I hope you found the strength to forgive them.
PearlLakes t1_iwdda2n wrote
This is more r/blunderyears than r/oldschoolcool
BigCannedTuna t1_iwddyhb wrote
Kevin Malone?
CucaMonga6425 OP t1_iwde77b wrote
Now that’s just mean
Iggmeister t1_iwdefsh wrote
we all had those in the 90's no?
CucaMonga6425 OP t1_iwdel1l wrote
Glad to know I’m not the only one to suffer this indignity lol 😆
BalladOfWormz t1_iwdeqop wrote
Is that a Flobee!?
SuperBethesda t1_iwdf910 wrote
Haircut matched your sweater.
LoddyDoddee t1_iwdfyua wrote
Yeah, my mom used to do me dirty, too. A girl mullet. An afro-style perm. Giant Sally Jesse Raphael glasses. Lol.
kjeld72 t1_iwdh917 wrote
Youve got my stamp of approval:) nice
Reckless_flamingos t1_iwdhb0j wrote
You’ve recovered beautifully! I’m happy you moved past your trauma
Obar-Dheathain t1_iwdhj4n wrote
Well at least it distracts attention away from the way you dressed.
LordDaxx1204 t1_iwdhlkq wrote
That sweater is gorgeous!
AffectionateFox8001 t1_iwdhr8h wrote
At least it wasn't those bangs and a ponytail! Very Cabbage Patch Kid vibes 💓
CucaMonga6425 OP t1_iwdi5gf wrote
I’ve refused to have bangs since I was old enough to pick my own haircut, mom was a cosmetologist she tried to sneak them back in when I was a teenager and I threw an epic fit. lol 😂
MakuNagetto t1_iwdiwao wrote
Yeah, isn't that the bowl cut all kids had back then?
unseenmover t1_iwdjj89 wrote
thats pretty bbbbaaaaaaddddd
tivnan1989 t1_iwdku0z wrote
I didn’t even notice the haircut honestly. My eyes went right to that sweater 😂
Pabst_Malone t1_iwdkubs wrote
That goofy shit is back in style now
cleverkname t1_iwdlgux wrote
Lincoln_Park_Pirate t1_iwdlmfv wrote
Can we talk about that sweater now? Yeesh.
[deleted] t1_iwdmjms wrote
New-Syllabub-7394 t1_iwdnq1u wrote
Don't worry...Oliver Tree rocks this haircut now and has made it cool. I'm going in for this cut on Thursday.
coolNCbrotha t1_iwdoz8f wrote
Please seek mental health assistance for the childhood trauma you experienced!!!...Lol
comeinaloneinsomniac t1_iwdp1za wrote
I need that sweater
Foreign-Yard-3684 t1_iwdpu5a wrote
Looks like you got a free hat
hheiser1 t1_iwdpyp2 wrote
The 90s weren't my best years either. Don't know why I let my mom talk me into a bowl cut.
kenneld t1_iwdq9wr wrote
Absolutely. Lots of pictures of me and my cousins with that exact haircut.
bigdog1771 t1_iwdqil7 wrote
Otherwise it would not have matched the sweater.
psychopathic_shark t1_iwds003 wrote
To be fair in the late 80s and early 90s jumpers like that were all the rage!
cattaillss t1_iwdt589 wrote
I think you look adorable.
SouthernSapphic t1_iwdtce0 wrote
Aww be nice to your child self, OP. I think this picture looks precious!
chevalier716 t1_iwdtp8i wrote
I too had that haircut. My parents called it the "mushroom"
Scottybt50 t1_iwdw0bj wrote
Just making sure you had something to post to Reddit in your later years.
Expensive-Let3055 t1_iwdxlrn wrote
Pat character from SNL
strippersandcocaine t1_iwdxpk5 wrote
Lol that’s where I thought I was
artificiallyselected t1_iwdy0nv wrote
Your parents are legends.
Motor_Classic9651 t1_iwdybut wrote
It's Pat!
Harmon_Epher t1_iwdyni4 wrote
ayo is that oliver tree?
Artistic-Cake-8944 t1_iwe29v9 wrote
No one notices it past seeing that sweater LOL
greenmeensgo60 t1_iwe5b6x wrote
Clearly child abuse.....yet she's smiling?
brightyoungthings t1_iwe7bkz wrote
Had this cut as well but my hair was bone straight, no curl at all lol
Much_Ad_6421 t1_iwe7nw1 wrote
The saving grace of that sweater are the two kitties😄
Aware_Branch_2370 t1_iwe9bic wrote
I legit thought it was going to say “sweater” but yeah the haircut too…
Artlawyer1 t1_iwe9gw2 wrote
You look like Oliver Tree.
Commanderfemmeshep t1_iwe9oo1 wrote
You absolutely a Cabbage Patch kid
mustbealady t1_iwe9wbt wrote
I stg you are the carbon copy of my aunt Julie...she rocked that look and is still rocking it now 😂
Forsaken-Basil2748 t1_iwear0w wrote
omg you were such a "cute ugly" kid, i dont blame them! soo adorable!
CheetoNugg t1_iwearte wrote
this is so adorable, i had the same haircut!!
milliescatmom t1_iweas6u wrote
We used to all this a mushroom cut!
Kradget t1_iweaz5b wrote
As someone who had a mean bowl cut, there are a lot of us who probably want to airbrush our old photos.
pm_me_your_lub t1_iwec8wf wrote
Spike-Rockit t1_iwecsf4 wrote
Oof, poor kid
DeadWishUpon t1_iwecv0j wrote
[deleted] t1_iwed3jr wrote
[deleted] t1_iwed9nl wrote
[deleted] t1_iwedao4 wrote
Paesano2000 t1_iwee3f4 wrote
80s kid here, we all had it, you were not alone. 🥣✂️
tungpunchmyfartbox t1_iwee3fe wrote
Step mom did a similar hair cut to me and permed it!! My siblings called me poodle for over a year.
Middledamitten t1_iweeveb wrote
Thanks for the smile! My daughter of similar age suffered the same fate! I blame her father but she has not forgiven me for allowing it to happen.
SlappyDoo_MeToo t1_iweexne wrote
What a lovely human! ❤
Sweatytubesock t1_iweezzy wrote
Infamous_Tonight5717 t1_iwef9hr wrote
Hey now, look at the brightside. Atleast your adorable hairstyle matches your cute sweater...
ThorkelOfNamdalen t1_iwefhk1 wrote
Ooof! So sorry.
VagueMagazine t1_iwefk8w wrote
I think you look charming. And a lovely smile.
whatsasimba t1_iwei1y9 wrote
That sweater says, "I've got a new Lisa Frank sticker book waiting for me at home!"
Iggmeister t1_iweiqzs wrote
Yeah, we would go to the barbers and ask for a Mushroom
simplyfloating t1_iwej11w wrote
literally burst into laughter out loud, and then the cat sweatshirt 😂😂😂😂
simplyfloating t1_iwej3u8 wrote
BRUH IM DEAD 💀💀 please tell me you still wear cat sweaters
SaveusJebus t1_iwek480 wrote
Oh the hair lol... my daughter would love that sweater though.
PianoMike74 t1_iweksce wrote
I mean its cool now but don't downplay that death sentence of a sweater in 1990!!
Appropriate_Fee9685 t1_iwekzth wrote
You're a cabbage patch doll
CucaMonga6425 OP t1_iwelc9l wrote
Yes I do still wear cat sweaters they’re a bit more stylish though. lol 😆
Heavy_Requirement_93 t1_iwelmen wrote
Ihaveaverylongname_ t1_iwem79j wrote
You look like a cabbage patch doll
Shalynhuetter t1_iwen35d wrote
That sweater is dope though!
Gelvandorf t1_iweq2nj wrote
That sweater is straight fire though
nmj95123 t1_iweqkll wrote
Did you parents bring along the cabbage patch catalog to pick your hair style?
minasnarker t1_iweqr6y wrote
I don’t know if any kid made it out of the 90s without bangs.
The biggest reason I hated them was because of how often I was carted to the hairdresser to get them trimmed. I took the initiative an “cut them myself” one time, only I cut down to the damned root and had a bald patch for months 😂
CucaMonga6425 OP t1_iwes1ss wrote
singnadine t1_iwesrem wrote
It was very popular
Comprehensive-Row649 t1_iwesvlt wrote
Same me brethren
VeryAlmostSpooky t1_iwesw4t wrote
I hope you returned your parents to the parent store after this.
callshouse t1_iwet9jc wrote
That’s the Dorothy Hamill haircut
Bonbonnibles t1_iwetbgz wrote
Everything about this is wonderful and darling. I'm very glad you had this haircut and outfit, and you should do an adult recreation of it.
blobfish_brotha t1_iwetejr wrote
But they also gave you that masterpiece of a sweater!
Jsmith0730 t1_iwetsmt wrote
Everyone had that haircut in the early 90s.
Bastergalaxy t1_iweu2mo wrote
Rowley jefferson looking ass
PM_ME_WH4TEVER t1_iweuok5 wrote
“If you want, to destroy my sweater!” 🎶
thefriendlyghost777 t1_iwevuk2 wrote
Love the sweater
XIV-Questions t1_iwewbok wrote
Ohhhh darling child and I love the sweater. Heartwarming.
LegionZSniper t1_iwewhxl wrote
Basically tik tok hair. You just ahead of time.
AstridCrabapple t1_iwewoup wrote
The Wilson Phillips
Dyzastr_us t1_iwexza9 wrote
Definitely a 90’s sweater
Unhappy_Sprinkles_94 t1_iwf1did wrote
It's the sweater for me🤣
Exact-Conclusion9301 t1_iwf54r0 wrote
That’s a dope sweater though
sk8fasterdude t1_iwfayal wrote
I just saw a lady on a TV show with that haircut
[deleted] t1_iwfgled wrote
[deleted] t1_iwfh78w wrote
SingleSpeed27 t1_iwfxbdm wrote
Bootleg young Oliver Tree
ScoobaMonsta t1_iwfynqz wrote
They also gave you a monstrosity of a jumper too!
ScoobaMonsta t1_iwfyq8l wrote
Not where I was in the 90’s
Blissful_Relief t1_iwg02fs wrote
What no mention about that sweater?
Beardsman805 t1_iwg54wz wrote
The built in cabbie hat.
HitmanClark t1_iwg94xz wrote
A ton of kids in the ‘90s were stuck with that terrible bowl cut. I was spared, but I’m still not sure how.
DeftTrack81 t1_iwg9u7x wrote
You poor bastard. What did you do to piss them off?
Too-Troubadour t1_iwgdkm1 wrote
Your face is wearing the expression that the hair cut demands.
Unihuman0420 t1_iwgflsk wrote
Are you a boy or a girl?
sarapocono t1_iwgft9c wrote
It matches the sweater perfectly
TopangaTiki t1_iwgilwd wrote
Sorry but I honestly don’t see the problem considering the times. I remember. You remind me of the little boy twins in Full House. Forgot their names. (Nicky and Alex I think?) Like they’d be wearing that on a Christmas episode.
CucaMonga6425 OP t1_iwgjf7t wrote
CucaMonga6425 OP t1_iwgjibc wrote
I’m a female that’s the problem
TopangaTiki t1_iwgk6c3 wrote
Oh God 😳.
coffeecatmint t1_iwgl06l wrote
Oh God, me too.
CommadorVic20 t1_iwgm177 wrote
whats the statue <--- of limitations on suing for that haircut?
(i heard Donnie Baker say it that way once and now i cant spell it correctly anymore)
Red-Corvus t1_iwgsk6r wrote
Lol....I was sincerely scrolling the comments for the first Oliver Tree reference. Kudos.
AbbreviationsFun4560 t1_iwgt8j2 wrote
That’s a fine “small boy regular” cut.
CucaMonga6425 OP t1_iwgtby5 wrote
But I’m not a boy lol
Ihatecoughsyrup t1_iwgyzbq wrote
Exactly. I would proudly wear a sweater like that one. It’s amazing!
Gientry t1_iwhkbjw wrote
that cat sweater would be a lady killer today if you still have it
AbbreviationsFun4560 t1_iwht699 wrote
MissRockNerd t1_iwhvop4 wrote
You too? In those bangs and that sweater, we could have been twins 👯♀️.
BusinessFirst3662 t1_iwhz4xv wrote
Life goes on and on and on
raymate t1_iwd9mfc wrote
What about that jumper