Submitted by Cautious_Read4119 t3_z5jbtc in OldSchoolCool
mlaforce321 t1_ixwdmvu wrote
Are you Seth Rogan? Looks like it could be his brother.
BakerofHumanPies t1_ixwfngn wrote
Seth Rogan is a time traveler. Confirmed.
Damned_I_Am t1_ixwgq4z wrote
Seth Rogan.
Capable-Elevator3437 t1_ixwi5f9 wrote
Spiritual_Poo t1_ixwl57v wrote
I was going to say Seth Rogan but with better weed.
T_that_is_all t1_ixwld2r wrote
He looks like he related to Seth Rogan and Allen Ginsburg.
calguy1955 t1_ixwnbsd wrote
Jerry Garcia?
Gloomy-Employment-72 t1_ixwqtco wrote
Less expensive weed? Sure. Better? Sorry, no.
cartoonassasin t1_ixwu1v3 wrote
He looks like he's taking a break from writing his manifesto to build a couple more "packages" to send to the man.
TheRedGoatAR15 t1_ixwvfvk wrote
I can hear your brother's laugh.
instrangerswetrust t1_ixww851 wrote
i saw the best minds of my generation destroyed my madness
hyugh hyugh hyugh
djsizematters t1_ixwxkf6 wrote
Seth Rogaine
PrekmurskaGibanica t1_ixwxz8h wrote
Found Seth.
HookerDoctorLawyer t1_ixx1t3c wrote
“Seth Rogan laugh”
Bluecattrading t1_ixxc4tn wrote
Hooper from Jaws: what we are dealing with here is a perfect engine, an eating machine. It's really a miracle of evolution. All this machine does is swim and eat and make little sharks, and that's all.
Ball-Blam-Burglerber t1_ixxcqdd wrote
I believe you mean a regular Seth Rogan.
RodAnonymous t1_ixxdqkp wrote
I think it’s the beard/glasses combo.
thomashmitch t1_ixxdrg9 wrote
Seth Rogan and Stanley Kubrick
nudiversity t1_ixxhlk1 wrote
Please. There’s plenty of amazing weed out there, especially in legal states like California/Oregon/Washington/Colorado. There’s no need to spend ridiculous celebrity prices on it.
Rogen is already a multimillionaire, now he’s just being greedy.
teh_perfectionist t1_ixxv77b wrote
Seth Rogen has not aged a day in the last 60 years!
masterpainimeanbetty t1_ixxychb wrote
Seth Rogan as Kurt Russel in The Thing
NecessaryZucchini69 t1_ixxzy4m wrote
generalcarrots t1_ixy41h9 wrote
Big fan of Ginsberg?
motomanmatt63 t1_ixz5lmb wrote
Yeah I remember those days. Slimy dirt ball look was in. Funny how it's back in now. But I get the feeling it's jumped the shark lately.
mnightcoburn t1_ixz6f0f wrote
That's actually Steve West, the drummer of Pavement.
Ok_Translator_7026 t1_ixwdmjq wrote
Kinda has a hippie Seth Rogan look. I dig it