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problematicqueerfish OP t1_j6ihhpl wrote

I love seeing people clown on my (blood related) grandfather in this pic bc he was a super cool looking guy otherwise


Rorybeno t1_j6ii0gi wrote

I say it in the nicest and most wholesome reddit kinda depreciating way 😬 I bet he was a cool dude really!


problematicqueerfish OP t1_j6iie70 wrote

Oh no he sucked for most of his life (became a really good person in the last year of his life but unfortunately he passed away right after), that’s why my grandma remarried, but my current grandpa is the greatest man to exist


Tha_Watcher t1_j6k5nbw wrote

Now we certainly need to see pics of "the greatest man to exist" when he was a cool drool!


conspicuousconundrum t1_j6in3my wrote

So… your grandparents? You were trolling us.


problematicqueerfish OP t1_j6ind4m wrote

My grandma remarried, her first husband is my actual grandfather but they divorced when my dad was 6 and her second husband is who I grew up with and is the best grandfather I could have asked for