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my_name_is_forest t1_j4uzyty wrote

He was definitely in a frat and he looks like an 80's asshole who played tennis or lacrosse. I'm guessing his name is Brice? Hope he grew out of being an asshole for his kids sake.


boondoggie42 t1_j4v4c40 wrote

His name is Todd and he's clearly into sailing.


BaluePeach t1_j4vb4xb wrote

I’m pretty sure his name is Chip or Dale and he’s a corporate financial planning lawyer.


cheyennevh t1_j50j22f wrote

This is actually my dad! He wasn’t in a frat, he played basketball, and even at this age, he spent his Saturdays volunteering at charities and helping with the Special Olympics. He married the nerdy accounting girl, and lost his hearing in his left ear after he saw a guy trying to force himself on a girl at a party and the dude clocked him on the side of the head. Around the time I was born, he had actually qualified to sail in the Olympics, but he didn’t go so that he could spend time with me. He taught me how to sail instead, he carried me around in a little backpack, and because I was adopted from a Creek reservation, he made sure to teach me my culture every chance he got. He was an amazing man through and through. Oh, and his name was Mike lol


FeSpoke1 t1_j4vyvrs wrote

I played lacrosse and was in a frat. Hey, wait a minute….