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thoxo OP t1_j6hecou wrote

For more context: On a tragic day, something scared the horses, they panicked and the carriage fell in the river while my great-gd was behind it, pushing him at the bottom of the water.


HawkeyeTen t1_j6iosa3 wrote

Sweet gracious, what a horrible way to die. And probably had no warning that those were going to be his final moments on earth. May your great-grandfather RIP.


GriffTrip t1_j6hj3xl wrote

That's why I prefer to ride a mule. They don't spook like horses


PM_MEOttoVonBismarck t1_j6hnx1u wrote

Donkey's my preferred mode of transportation


Goldilocks1454 t1_j6ig3f7 wrote

Did the horses die also? This is a sad story I'm sorry


thoxo OP t1_j6jl7na wrote

Unfortunately they did too..


dghammer t1_j6ki8k8 wrote

My GGrandad was a train engineer…was crushed between two cars…1902 Louisiana.


pzerr t1_j6i5kix wrote

Did he have children?


thoxo OP t1_j6i7m8l wrote

He was the father of my dad's grandfather, so at least one. I don't know anything else about him.


sabersquirl t1_j6mabtb wrote

If he was the father of your dad’s grandfather, he was your dad’s great-grandfather. That means he was your great-great-grandfather.