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t1_j9zzamk wrote

The problem is that taxes are being spent poorly. Again, the solution is twofold - rich people pay their fair share and the government does its job by taking care of the people.

And I don't know how much money you have so I can't say what your fair share is, and that's not my job, either.


t1_j9zzpe9 wrote

If I made one million dollars per year, how much should I pay in taxes and to which government (federal, state, local)?


t1_ja07syu wrote

How should I know? I'm not a tax expert. But if you're exploiting tax loopholes to avoid paying taxes then you're doing it wrong.


t1_ja08mw4 wrote

Why did they put in those “loopholes” if not for people to use them? And your not being a tax expert sure didn’t slow your roll when advocating for raising my taxes. I just want to know how much of my money is enough for you


t1_ja0mati wrote

The loopholes were put there by corrupt politicians bought and paid for by billionaires, so no, I don't consider them legitimate.

Not once have I advocated for raising taxes. I want rich folks to pay their fair share. Period. Where did I stutter?


t1_ja0n52t wrote

I pay exactly what I owe. Not only do I think that’s fair, I think it’s too much.

Give me two examples of a tax loophole that is abused by high earning people.


t1_ja0uwtp wrote

OMG get off it, if you pay your fair share idgaf about you. If you feel attacked when I say that the rich should pay their fair share then maybe you need to talk to your CPA.