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tellmeaboutyourcat t1_ja00b9h wrote

What the fuck? There is no price of admission to being in a society. The only obligation that I have to anyone is paying taxes. I do the other stuff because that's what I want to do. IDGAF what you do with your spare time or spare money.

All I've said is that homelessness is a social failure that needs to not exist and that rich people need to pay their fair share.

What I'm now wondering is what do you think is the acceptable number of days for a child to be homeless? Because to me it's zero. The first comment I replied to asked irrelevant questions about how many days those kids were homeless, as if that determines how they feel about whether or not it's worth doing something about it.

And if you interpret that as being a jerk, fine. But anyone who's cool with homeless kids is a jerk, so IDGAF.


YarnPerson t1_ja33rmr wrote

Your response is my point.

You’re making an ad hominem argument that when I ask a question about how homelessness is defined in an article where the targeted outcome seems to be highlighting a “class” difference (vs offer any view of solutions) it means that I DGAF homeless children. It’s an emotional and baseless position that let’s you feel morally superior to anyone you’re talking with. All the while, you’re not actually doing anything tangible that we shouldn’t expect from every one of our neighbors to make things better.

I hate that anyone feels the vulnerability of homelessness. Especially children. Even for one night. Sadly, the condition is real. When we’re distracted by fighting for the moral high ground (that mountaintop, if you will) we’re not only not making it better, we’re dampening any hope of progress.