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FreedomToBearHotdogs t1_j76b5z7 wrote

i still fail to understand why people on this sub reddit are the most bigoted spiteful people towards christians/Catholics. It was a tragic event for a family to have to take their own life’s and you use it to make the same dumb observational criticisms that any halfwit with a brain can understand without having to be said


Thecrawsome t1_j76ep6y wrote

Because they packed our supreme Court and get off on pain and suffering on people who are different from them.

Get the hell out of here with this victimization crap. The church has been victimizing the world for hundreds of years. Abusing your kids, taking your money, taking your land, stealing your tax dollars.

They reversed the 60 year abortion ruling. Those assholes want to bring us back into the dark ages where we clang stones together, pray our guilt away, and only read one book. Fuck Christianity and how it has mixed with politics and is ruining America.

And they got rubes like you who defend them to the bitter end.


artificialavocado t1_j76htt2 wrote

Honestly as much as I dislike them these Supreme Court people are highly educated and extremely smart. They don’t do anything without at least the tacit approval from their donors. Normal people like you and me think “well the 1% already owns half the country that should be enough.” No, it isn’t enough. They want the other half or at least as much of that other half as possible. Their ideal society is something close to serfdom. So yeah you are correct they want to roll it back but religion is just a cudgel not necessarily the goal. Sorry rant over.


FreedomToBearHotdogs t1_j76f7vm wrote

its not victimization if the people in question had to end their lives, do we not show sympathy towards tragic events in our community, the people in question where living breathing humans like me or you and i don’t think the comments being made on this post would make the family feel any better if they were still with us, i didn’t choose to bring religion into this and i am not defending the church, i don’t even go to fucking church. what i am defending is respect for the dead especially people who did no harm to anyone else.


pedantic_comments t1_j76orqb wrote

They were Trump-loving “conservatives” with a yard full of raggedy political and anti abortion signs - they make society worse for all of us. Made up religions that worship fascist politicians don’t deserve my pity.

Fuck ‘em.


CleverName550 t1_j76ozg2 wrote

Why do you keep saying these people "had" to end their lives? It's creepy. They chose to end their lives and from what I read the daughter was delusional. She reported hearing voices that were not subsiding.


axeville t1_j76dk1g wrote

If they were Catholic that would be in the article. Evangelical Christian or some form of anabaptist dominates this area.


terr1bad t1_j7aw12z wrote


Source: grew up in York County


urcrookedneighbor t1_j7bbi46 wrote

yeah, & with the anabaptists that broke off from the amish & mennonites (in my experience being raised at an anabaptist church), there is a lot of competition for "relevancy." i basically saw my church deteriorate into begging for money & pushing dangerous political ideologies. people respond to the provocative.


DavidLieberMintz t1_j76d7xg wrote

How did you twist the words around in your head to think that comment is at all bigoted? It's 100% true. Christians don't follow all the rules in the bible, but rather choose which ones are the important ones based on what they're told is important. It is a fact. How is that a spiteful take?


FreedomToBearHotdogs t1_j76dn4j wrote

3 People were down on life and tragically killed themselves this is not the time to make dumb religious criticism its untasteful, sorry if i seem crazy i just deep sympathy for people who lost their lives


DavidLieberMintz t1_j76l36t wrote

It's not dumb, it's valid criticism. More people have died in the game of some god than anything else except diseases. It's always the time to criticize religion.


libananahammock t1_j76uw7q wrote

Read the articles. They were conservative Christians who homeschooled.


TrashApocalypse t1_j76ct4q wrote

I think it’s probably because of all the pain suffering and sexual assaulting that the church has caused.


yeags86 t1_j76x2y1 wrote

They didn’t have to take their own lives. They made that choice.


artificialavocado t1_j76gv5r wrote

It’s absolutely awful. Maybe some people are making light but I’m certainly not. Details in the article were scarce but come on their fundamentalist almost definitely played at least a part. I have extended family or are hardcore Catholic this would be horrific to them.


FreedomToBearHotdogs t1_j76hd9r wrote

so you understand its a tragic event, but you weigh protesting fundamentalist Christians more than just having the decency to make a decent comment or outright here me out not even make a comment at all in respect to a tragic post?


artificialavocado t1_j76o3cp wrote

I’m saying it is a horrible tragedy that saddens me while acknowledging religion could have played a part. Both of those things can be true at the same time.


FreedomToBearHotdogs t1_j76xoqh wrote

literally any experience, relationship, tv show, or any stimulation to their brain could have influenced their decision chalking it to religion is just strange


artificialavocado t1_j76zcdz wrote

I really don’t want to argue. Sure, life experience and mental illness could have certainly played a part. The article says people who knew them said the dad had almost a cult like reverence for Donald Trump and thought the world was going to end because he lost. I’ll go ahead and blame conservative media and ideology too. If you think democrats are lizard people and are doing child sacrifice in the basement of a pizza shop then you lost touch with reality and need help.


scotticusphd t1_j76l0vj wrote

For me, it's decades of being told that I'm going to hell by people who don't understand basic science and who look the other way when their religious leaders rape children. I grew up in a Baptist church full of people who claimed to follow the teachings of Christ while being small-minded and mean to people who look different than them.

I didn't have that same experience in any other group I participated in later in life. There are dumb, spiteful people everywhere but Christian churches seem to aggregate them.

There is also the fact that they believe in what's obviously a fairytale. Being a devout Christian says a lot about the state of your mind and whether or not you live in reality.


Redlar t1_j77fniv wrote

>grew up in a Baptist church full of people who claimed to follow the teachings of Christ while being small-minded and mean to people who look different than them.

I was around 4 or 5 years old when we started attending a Southern Baptist church in our area (down in MD). We went for a few months then left to attend a Methodist church. Years later I found out we didn't stay because the sermons started going on about how Jews are bad. My grandmother was Jewish

I remember being scared of the preacher because he shouted a lot during sermons, plus, he was already mic'd up so it was worse to my little ears

I've had pleasant experiences with Christians but when you grow up knowing for a fact that your neighbors are hiding their hate behind a smile that will disappear the second they find out you're different it leaves a bit of a lasting impression, you might say.


RenaissanceMan247 t1_j76heir wrote

Because it's not your bubble/safe space


FreedomToBearHotdogs t1_j76iavc wrote

nice deflection though I’m pretty sure thats the same deflection all those alt right guys like crowder use when being questioned on making untasteful comments


Diarygirl t1_j76pbs7 wrote

There are lots of terrible people that call themselves Christians as there are terrible people in every group. It doesn't mean anyone is saying that you're a bad person.


QuickNature t1_j77214j wrote

I'm with you on this one, and people here are deflecting from this point by talking about the Republican party in general and other mostly unrelated stuff.

If you go against the hive mind at all here, you are bombarded with downvotes and everyone gangs up against you unfortunately. Really encourages healthy debate and definitely doesn't create an echo chamber at all.