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scotticusphd t1_j76l0vj wrote

For me, it's decades of being told that I'm going to hell by people who don't understand basic science and who look the other way when their religious leaders rape children. I grew up in a Baptist church full of people who claimed to follow the teachings of Christ while being small-minded and mean to people who look different than them.

I didn't have that same experience in any other group I participated in later in life. There are dumb, spiteful people everywhere but Christian churches seem to aggregate them.

There is also the fact that they believe in what's obviously a fairytale. Being a devout Christian says a lot about the state of your mind and whether or not you live in reality.


Redlar t1_j77fniv wrote

>grew up in a Baptist church full of people who claimed to follow the teachings of Christ while being small-minded and mean to people who look different than them.

I was around 4 or 5 years old when we started attending a Southern Baptist church in our area (down in MD). We went for a few months then left to attend a Methodist church. Years later I found out we didn't stay because the sermons started going on about how Jews are bad. My grandmother was Jewish

I remember being scared of the preacher because he shouted a lot during sermons, plus, he was already mic'd up so it was worse to my little ears

I've had pleasant experiences with Christians but when you grow up knowing for a fact that your neighbors are hiding their hate behind a smile that will disappear the second they find out you're different it leaves a bit of a lasting impression, you might say.