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Yankiwi17273 t1_ja1pqqq wrote

It sounds like OP might prefer some state like Kansas or Nebraska over Pennsylvania.

Also, someone needs to relearn how nuclear energy works lol


fitm3 t1_ja31sg3 wrote

Lol no one preferred Kansas.


Pink_Slyvie t1_ja3n2oz wrote

I mean, if I could live on the Kent farm, maybe.


Roxmysox68 t1_ja51nhy wrote

Thank you, its literally just evaporated water, i see the plant every day and if you really look into nuclear energy it is waayyy more practical for the environment than other conventional methods of power production


IamSauerKraut t1_ja4jngp wrote

>someone needs to relearn how nuclear energy works

OP has valid concerns.


cthulhu_on_my_lawn t1_ja4umnr wrote

I think they mean because "smoke from a nuclear power plant" is water vapor.


IamSauerKraut t1_ja63g5s wrote

OP still has valid concerns regardless of redditors fetishizing nuclear power.


cthulhu_on_my_lawn t1_ja7hbcf wrote

If having a chance of surviving climate change is a fetish I think I can live with having a fetish