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MaybeADumbass t1_j7warvt wrote

Buy it off the internet and leave the overpriced shop ammo for the boomers.


aust_b t1_j7wg3bb wrote

What is shipping like? I’ve considered ordering offline but it seemed to be cost prohibitive compared to the shop I get my ammo from.


MaybeADumbass t1_j7wnf53 wrote

It depends. 9mm and .223 can be kind of scammy, and some vendors list really low prices and charge insane shipping. You need to look at the numbers in the shipping column, higher is better. Or just post around with listings until you find what you're after.

Here's one of the cheaper brand name, new, brass options:

Adding 20 boxes to my cart works out to about $280 shipped, or $14/box. Buying 5 works out to $80 shipped, or $16/box. I don't know about where you are, but I haven't seen brand name brass for anything close to $16/box after tax in a long time.


StrawhatPAT69 OP t1_j7wgbs1 wrote

I live in Jersey and I’m honestly just trying to blow through some ammo at a nearby range in allentown