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shillyshally t1_j8kiy4p wrote

"While working as an accounting department employee for the Allegheny Controller's office, 25-year-old Cam Zmenkowski, sent "sexually explicit messages and sexual assaults occurred over the past several months..."

He's 25????????????


jillianpikora OP t1_j8m4o2s wrote

Thank you for noticing that detail. I found his LinkedIn and literally thought I must be wrong then I got his mugshot and was like what???? I went through the court documents and did the math like 5 times because I totally thought there was an error, seriously he looks like he is in his mid-40s.


ronreadingpa t1_j8mhhnd wrote

Ditto on OPs reply below. Did the math too, because I thought maybe the article writer had conflated the 25 number of images with his age. Nope, he's really 25. Looks much older in that pic, but looks about 25 or so in some other pics elsewhere.

Based on the LI profile, he has a BS in accounting and criminal justice. While urges are difficult to suppress, I have to wonder if he was overly confident due to his study of criminal justice. Thought he'd get away with it or at least explain his way out of it. Maybe 25 years ago, but not these days with more awareness, stricter laws, and social media. Don't know, but a shame, since his resume appears pretty impressive.


jetbag513 t1_j8pbsr1 wrote

Meth is one hell of a drug. I had the loser pegged at mid forties.