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Jotakave t1_j8rnuj6 wrote

It’s not tantrums. There’s staggering amount of documentation regarding abuse and yet people think it’s a tantrum. ‘not every priest is a pedophile’ is always the usual counter argument and that’s actually true. The problem is when you have an organization going above and beyond to cover all this stuff up for CENTURIES. Abuse of children, genocide of tribal peoples in America, Africa, Australia, corruption and just the cheer amount of money that has been used to pay for churches, mega cathedrals, TV ads and abuse settlements. All the money that could’ve been put towards something meaningful. But yes. It’s Reddit throwing tantrums. Open your eyes. In my personal experience I had an education through Catholic schools. I wasn’t abused but i was bombarded with some BS regarding gay people, sex before marriage and saving yourself as a woman for your husband. What a load of crap that turned out to be.


[deleted] t1_j8roevt wrote



Jotakave t1_j8rvgtl wrote

Just because it wasn’t your experience it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen to other people. It’s like saying that ‘hurricanes aren’t that bad, my house is still standing’ when hundreds of others suffer the aftermath of one.


[deleted] t1_j8rworr wrote



DeliciousBeanWater t1_j8rxbq1 wrote

In the parent comment to my comment you said “and nothing like that occurred here” thats when you said it didnt happen to other people. Just so u/jotkave has receipts


[deleted] t1_j8rxeyq wrote



DeliciousBeanWater t1_j8rxt5p wrote

Nah youre dirty deleting.


[deleted] t1_j8rxws1 wrote



Jotakave t1_j8rzhn3 wrote

As you claimed you never said that. Who’s the one lacking any kind of comprehension? Just because you deleted it now doesn’t mean that our comments right after you said it weren’t valid. So salty for a person who’s no longer Catholic. Got sip some tears of repent.


[deleted] t1_j8rzluf wrote



Jotakave t1_j8rzy50 wrote

Have you ever heard of auto correct? You’re right. We’re all wrong. Maybe you should go to confession this weekend. Can’t take communion with a mouth full of lies.


[deleted] t1_j8s04rp wrote



Jotakave t1_j8s09rd wrote

For someone who doesn’t believe you’re pretty butt hurt about people criticizing that filthy institution.


Jotakave t1_j8rxiv5 wrote

You’re making that statement as to mean that because it wasn’t your experience it can’t that of others. Or why else would you say that? Either way I’m not going to waste my time on this anymore. Go be a Christian but at least don’t feel like you have to hide behind whatever this account of yours is.