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Advanced-Secret9603 t1_j8uyyb4 wrote

I hate the work culture in this country


SpicyWokHei t1_j8xya0b wrote

That's the only culture here. We have no culture. I've worked with people from Taiwan, Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, Azerbaijan, and so on. I'm told the same thing by all of them, that America's literally only known for working themselves to death for no reason. Only 2 out of all the people I've worked with have stuck around here. The rest went back to their home country after working here extended periods of time. The "culture" here is work until you can't and then you're of no use so just go die in a hole somewhere, but make sure not somewhere inconvenient that might make another worker late.

We work for NOTHING here. We get nothing in return with our labor other than funneling money to the top 1%. No mandated vacation, no paid maternity/paternity time, no public health insurance, no access to affordable education, affordable child care, no NOTHING.


Ok-Competition-3356 t1_j8y4o7i wrote

Technically most places don't even legally have to give breaks. I worked in management in Pennsylvania and people would complain all the time about the brake system about how long by law that they were supposed to get so I really looked into it. Other than being a minor, they do not have to give you breaks. It's insane they absolutely just do not care and we all allow it. I can remember being in my late teens and through my twenties and even most of my 30s where I was so afraid to get in trouble at work or do something to piss off my job so you come in on all those extra shifts and you try to be indispensable and then something is going to happen in your life and you're going to realize that you mean nothing to them. Jobs like to tell you when you mess up but never when you do good because they want you to constantly try to be their idea of perfect and then it's no wonder everyone here has anxiety and is on depression medication. No one feels like they can succeed at anything.