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Phl_worldwide t1_j8xypt5 wrote

In what world is his wife the next most qualified person?


SunOutrageous6098 t1_j8y04fm wrote

This isn’t the point, but you’re implying that all our electeds are qualified. Have you ever listened to them speak about how human reproduction occurs?

I don’t think Mrs. Fetterman has any interest; but as others have stated- Governor Shapiro is able to appoint whomever he chooses. Once a person accepts the nomination, a special election must occur within 2 years of the appointment. The nominated person can run, along with others. The winner of the special election would serve the remainder of the term. The special election doesn’t necessarily need to be separate from a regularly scheduled election cycle, but the office must be on the ballot within two years of the appointment.


Phl_worldwide t1_j8y0l20 wrote

…what? I don’t need you to explain how the process would work. I literally just responded to the notion that someone as unqualified as her shouldn’t be in any discussion


SunOutrageous6098 t1_j8yy6g4 wrote

I’m saying she is no more or less qualified than some currently elected people who say things like “If it’s a legitimate [assault] the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.”, while arguing that women don’t get pregnant by non consensual sex.

The Constitution sets three qualifications for service in the U.S. Senate: age (at least thirty years of age); U.S. citizenship (at least nine years); and residency in the state a senator represents at time of election.

She meets all of these qualifications.

Edited to add that today, an elected official proposed a bill to abolish the Department of Education at the end of the year. So I’m interested to hear what you think makes someone qualified to be a U.S. Senator, beyond what is outlined in the Constitution.