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zerooze t1_j8zwud6 wrote

Aren't episcoals basically just Catholics without the Pope?


C4bl3Fl4m3 t1_j91iz4h wrote

*deep breath* Okay, so this is complicated, but the short answer is... in some ways, yes, in other ways, no. They have some theological differences, and organizational differences, but they're quite similar in other ways.

(And technically they recognize the pope as a fellow bishop (the Bishop of Rome), and as the leader of the Roman church, but NOT as the leader of the Episcopal church/Church of England. See Primus Inter Pares.)

(And if you really wanna break your brain, hardcore technically Episcopals are both Catholics AND Protestants. When you say "Catholic" you're probably referring to "Roman Catholic" but there's more than just the Roman church and the word "Catholic" (with a capital C) has a specific meaning and encompasses a number of different churches.)


zerooze t1_j92cipi wrote

My comment was an oversimplification, I'm aware. Since the comment was that they use the same phrase, I was intending to point out that they are theologically very similar, and not surprising they would also use the phrase "and also with you."


C4bl3Fl4m3 t1_j93633c wrote

Sorry, this is just one of my favorite subjects.