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internet_friends t1_jaj1ljp wrote

It is a form of lying. The device they're using gives a false positive rate of 20-33%. In addition, it appears that when the police gave the report, the neglected to mention how MUCH fentanyl was found and what the lethal dose is. This is all information that the police have known for years and have been advised against using this type of device. The fact that they still use it and want to grandstand with these headlines IS lying. If these types of practices were used in any setting other than a police one they would face jail time and a hefty fine. What they're doing is a form of falsifying test results which is illegal in the state of Pennsylvania and many lab directors have gone to jail and have been forced to pay fines for this in the past. The cops should not be able to make these statements and the media needs to due their diligence in fact-checking these reports. I fact-checked this article when it came out and figured out that the device they used gave a high rate of false positives by googling it for 5 minutes. We as a nation deserve more out of our police and out of our journalists. This news story is unacceptable all around.