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ChatNoir33 OP t1_jb10pau wrote

I’ve been trying to be the voice of reason in my office about the rumors, but it does get exhausting.


thenewtbaron t1_jb14j5z wrote

Well, there is something to be said for being a voice of reason. However, I have seen the state do dumb dumb things regarding state employees for decades now. Oh, the republican congress and republican governor starts not to pay into the pensions, cool... then they complain about the pensions being underfunded and have cut the pension - on of the things that really brings folks into the state employement.

They also don't do half measures or easy situations, like if I could go into the office when I want to, i'd be in more often but it would have to be every wednesday or one wednesday every month, similar to the AWS bullshit. I'm not doing that, i'm staying home full time if i can.

It is possible that the union gets telework into the new contract and those usually do include general management level staff as well, since it is easier but it is possible that management level are not included in that.