Submitted by redditor01020 t3_11n0t8n in Pennsylvania
CidersShadow03 t1_jbmuhjj wrote
Ok, first, make a law to test people under the influence of weed. Then follow the guidelines of drunk driving laws. Take away their license and raise their insurance premiums sky high just like they do with drunk drivers. Then if you’re in an accident involving someone who is driving under the influence of pot, sue them for damages as “high” as the law allows. Sorry, you use, you abuse, you lose big time. Okay potheads show how big, tough and bad you are on here. Because it will only push me harder to have the influence laws passed and strictly enforced. So tick me off.
Weary_Ad7119 t1_jbn55kf wrote
You won't like internet tough guy when he's angry!
killakam86437 t1_jbnmb3y wrote
This guy has to be memeing right?
wallacehacks t1_jbo5kis wrote
He sent me a long threatening DM as well.
wallacehacks t1_jbo5j5t wrote
It is already illegal to drive under the influence of marijuana.
chaqalaqalaqa t1_jbnz847 wrote
Tell us you’re an alcoholic without telling us you’re an alcoholic
CidersShadow03 t1_jbo5b7e wrote
Sorry, but I don’t drink alcohol or take drugs. Too bad, I’m not part of your narrative.
chaqalaqalaqa t1_jbo5ups wrote
My narrative is that weed being illegal is fucking dumb and the vast majority of Americans and Pennsylvanians agree
Zenith2017 t1_jbon0xg wrote
Uh, this already exists dude, maybe do a little googling next time. You get pulled over, officer may claim they detect marijuana, you get tested or refuse and get detained. And since there's no way to differentiate recent use from currently being high, you're pretty much at their mercy even if you're 100% sober at the time of the incident. I might have been high last night, but the next afternoon a test will just show the presence of THC, regardless of my current state.
KeysertheCook t1_jbopmlc wrote
hey hey hey, smoke weed every day
SomDonkus t1_jbov4zy wrote
This man really said “make all the laws that already exist a law” and thought he was cooking.
[deleted] t1_jbnyghv wrote
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