
wallacehacks t1_jbl1lac wrote

The people who are still against marijuana legalization don't care about the facts at this point unfortunately. No amount of science is going to convince them. We just have to tell them they are wrong, we are legalizing it, we are expunging the records of the people who were prosecuted, and they have to fucking deal with it.


wallacehacks t1_j4t704q wrote

I haven't kept in touch so things may have changed. Also, you can disagree if you want but that doesn't change the fact that I could lose my house if I grow a plant and there is nowhere to legally pick up an ounce at a decent price.

The PA market suits some but it really depends on how you partake.


wallacehacks t1_j4t61o8 wrote

Maybe edibles and concentrates and stuff but not flower and not in decent amounts. I have a friend who buys in DC and drives it back to NC with the prices she gets.

Plus you can legally grow a few plants in recreational states. Medical is cool but recreational should be a given by now.