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Stoic-Cholo t1_jdo1bge wrote

The War on Right demonstrates the intolerance of the Left. We are all humans with different perspectives. Why are so many embracing such hatred for others who hold different views? Intolerance, hatred, acceptance and love are the true issues we face. If someone else feels uncomfortable with someone or something, why are do many ready to demonize them? If it is not a legal or moral issue, we ALL need to show respect in that difference, or we are NO BETTER and are simply pointing fingers and throwing gas on the fire. If someone else does not agree or like what I think, say, do, feel or say, it is not right for me to assault them. And ASSAULT is exactly what many of us are doing.


Thezedword4 t1_jdpe9vm wrote

Conservatives almost getting it.

This has to be satire, right?


ProbablyAtDialysis t1_jdqcn3t wrote

"The war on the right".

Fuck off with that. Your whole rant ignores that the right is trying to pass bills against the LGBTQ to push them back in the shadows by lying about grooming / "think of the children" scare tactics and the left is saying no don't do that.

This isn't a war on the right. It's a war on the drag community and will next move to the Trans and gay communities. The left is just trying to protect these people.

Don't like drag? Don't go. Don't want to be gay married? Don't do it.

This is America and those people have the right to do those things. Making those things illegal because the right doesn't like them isn't American. It is basically Fascism 101.


Thisfuckingwebsite t1_jdrzlok wrote

So why do you people attack Women, Gays, Trans, Blacks and Mexicans relentlessly?


Stoic-Cholo t1_jdo1jrd wrote

Btw, I don't give a shit what someone does in their bedroom, as long it is not harming anyone. Limits people, limits must be respected, or is that wrong?


Stoic-Cholo t1_jdoagnc wrote

I figured someone would down vote my very candid comments. Sad. Our communication in 2023 MUST improve. The down votes are a badge of honor, as I try to stand up for any of us who feel marinated by intolerance. Even the intolerance of someone who down votes me, without a response. Bullying takes place on all sides.
