
t1_jdqcn3t wrote

"The war on the right".

Fuck off with that. Your whole rant ignores that the right is trying to pass bills against the LGBTQ to push them back in the shadows by lying about grooming / "think of the children" scare tactics and the left is saying no don't do that.

This isn't a war on the right. It's a war on the drag community and will next move to the Trans and gay communities. The left is just trying to protect these people.

Don't like drag? Don't go. Don't want to be gay married? Don't do it.

This is America and those people have the right to do those things. Making those things illegal because the right doesn't like them isn't American. It is basically Fascism 101.


t1_j2sdt5e wrote

NYE was fun. Has some people over. Watched Glass Onion. Finished two bottles of booze and a bunch of eatables. Good time. Made biscuits and gravy for breakfast New Years Day. Gained too many pounds.

Back to calorie tracking and being good. Need to get my weight back down to where it was before the holidays.

Just did a 3.6 mile walk after seeing the doctor this morning. From Penn Perlman Center down South/Lombard to 2nd and Market. Spending the rest of the day playing games and hanging with the cat. (Mostly Fortnite & Norco.)

Nothing else too exciting going on this week. Looking forward to seeing They Might Be Giants two nights in a row next week, but that's a discussion for next Friday.


t1_ixahghp wrote

Reply to comment by in December Concert Roll Call by

That's what they are going for now? Well that makes my decision easier. I was hoping for a GA.

EDIT: $180 from LiveNation direct? Fuck that noise. I love "The Lonesome Crowded West" enough I might look at Stubhub a few hours before, but otherwise I'll stay home for that. Was thinking more like $50 tops.


t1_ixab7s1 wrote

Debating both Dinosaur Jr / GBV (12/2) & Modest Mouse (12/15).

Going to Mark Normand (12/4).

Pretty slow December.

Got tickets for both They Might Be Giants shows in January though. Excited for that as they are my favorite live band and they are finally playing UT over the TLA.