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pocketbookashtray t1_jdpdj7d wrote

The head democrat is literally a pedophile. But hey, nice try at deflecting.


Sonnescheint t1_jdpe4sy wrote

The "head democrat" is also, famously, not a drag queen. Again, more Republicans have been caught grooming and raping children than any number of drag queens.


pocketbookashtray t1_jdpeitc wrote

You can keep saying that, but it’s still a lie. Nice try at deflecting from Democrats promoting grooming, and Biden’s penchant for touching children.


Sonnescheint t1_jdpes2y wrote

This is why debating with fascists is always fruitless. Keep living in your false reality, keep the rest of us out of your nonsense, fascist scum.


pocketbookashtray t1_jdu11xx wrote

LOL. There it is, the baseless name-calling “fascist”, “racist”. The go-to move of liberals when they’ve lost an argument to their intellectual superiors.


Sonnescheint t1_jdupekk wrote

Fuck off and die fascist. The world needs less of you.


BradleyUffner t1_jdqglo6 wrote

Your boy follows little girls into dressing rooms and "grabs them by the pussy", so yeah, you can shut up now.