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t1_jbs2d4w wrote

The agent owned the dog being attacked and is allowed to carry a firearm under federal law


t1_jbs2jeg wrote

Which is incorrect. Only on duty.


t1_jbs2zm1 wrote

Nope. Look up LEOSA.


t1_jbs48kw wrote

(36 C.F.R. §§ 2.4(e) & (h), 18 U.S.C. § 922(q)) allow for individuals carrying concealed in accordance with the laws of the state in which the federal park or GFSZ is located to carry concealed in them*; however, an individual carrying under LEOSA is carrying under FEDERAL LAW and not in accordance with the laws of the state they are in. What this means is that you are NOT exempted from carrying a concealed firearm in these areas UNLESS you are on official duty or possess a valid and qualifying state issued concealed carry permit.

Link NRA


t1_jbs862c wrote


t1_jbs8bxz wrote

Not the issue we are discussing. Thanks though


t1_jbs8e3t wrote

Not a gun free zone. Enjoy the downvotes.


t1_jbs8kay wrote

I'll enjoy every single one.

1000+ feet from every school is a school zone. Sounds like all of Philly 😉

Illegal unless on duty even driving past a school "JUST" claiming Leosa


t1_jbs9kx4 wrote

There’s a school every 1000 feet? Damn. No wonder the district is underfunded. Do you even live here. Gtfo


t1_jbs9rcf wrote

You're obviously unable to comprehend what a school is, or ever been in Philadelphia. Glad to hear your input though! Thanks for adding nothing to the conversation buddy!


t1_jbsa4if wrote

Yes, as a lifetime resident I don’t know anything about Philadelphia. Goodnight troll.


t1_jbsycs6 wrote

Oh you mean the “Gun-Free School Zone Act” which was deemed unconstitutional in the 90’s?

Stop making shit up.


t1_jbsex23 wrote


PA has the Uniform Firearm Act which establishes firearm laws for the entire state to include Philadelpia. Philadelphia is not gun free zone neither in law or in practice.

6106 (2)(b)5 allows federal agents to carry concealed anywhere in the state.

Also, LEOSA doesn’t require officers to be on duty. Among other things, it allows retired law enforcement officers who by definition can’t be on duty to carry concealed anywhere in the US.


t1_jbsf3td wrote


t1_jbsmn6n wrote

The federal agent wasn’t carrying pursuant to LEOSA. She was carrying under 6106. The federal gun free school zone allows states to license individual to carry in those areas. PA law allows people to carry in those areas pursuant the Uniform Firearms Act. Firearm possession on school property is covered under section 912 of the PA crimes code. There is no distance buffer in 912.

Your claim that Philly is a gun free zone is dead wrong. As is your claim that she is covered only on duty. Section 6106 has her covered.


t1_jbstwce wrote

Even if she doesn't have a permit?


t1_jbsuyqa wrote

6106 exempts her from permit requirements. I pointed you to the section.

Duly authorized federal employees are exempt from permits. Duly authorized doesn’t require her to be on duty. Merely being authorized to carry by her agency is sufficient. Have badge; can carry


t1_jbsxirk wrote

Okay, no, I follow you. If federal employees are exempted from permits then why is there distinction in LEOSA - which you said didn't apply -

  • (36 C.F.R. §§ 2.4(e) & (h), 18 U.S.C. § 922(q)) allow for individuals carrying concealed in accordance with the laws of the state in which the federal park or GFSZ is located to carry concealed in them*; however, an individual carrying under LEOSA is carrying under FEDERAL LAW and not in accordance with the laws of the state they are in.

  • What this means is that you are NOT exempted from carrying a concealed firearm in these areas UNLESS you are on official duty or possess a valid and qualifying state issued concealed carry permit.

Because if they DON'T have a license, LEOSA which is the authorization to carry by the Federal Government, for federal employees, then they would need a permit to carry in those zones in the states that require Concealed Carry being off duty is not in the employees authorized capacity?

EDIT: PA CSA 18. 912(c) - I'm assuming you're referring to " * or other lawful duty"

if they don't have a pa permit and are not in the scope of their duties, do they have to observe federal law or state. Meaning do they need to carry under federal law with LEOSA because they don't have a permit in the state and are subject to the laws of the state they are in, and are NOT exempted from GFZ with LEOSA?


t1_jbt6p3v wrote

LEOSA exists mainly for state and local police to carry off-duty or retired in all states but that has limitations. It’s fairly new and federal agents were carrying all over the place prior to it being enacted.

She was carrying under 6106. LEOSA doesn’t enter into because she’s legally carrying under PA law. She’s carrying legally by being a duly authorized federal agent. She is a duly authorized federal agent 24/7/365 until she separates employment

PA does not have a buffer on school zones. That was the purpose of referencing 912. Federal gun free zone law says the buffer is 1000ft but people can carry within that border if states allow it. PA only excludes the actual property of the school from carrying. It does that through 6106 and 912 because 6206 authorizes people to carry and 912 has no buffer.