
somberblurb t1_jdpfrsz wrote

In most counties in PA, the county jail is operated by the sheriff. Their primary duties are operating the county jail, providing security at the county court, and serving warrants issued by the county court. This can vary depending on the county's needs. For example Montgomery County PA has a Board of Prison Inspectors which runs the jail rather than the sheriff, but this type of board is unique to Mont. Co.

PA Sheriffs and their Deputies can arrest for felonies or breaches of the peace committed in their presence, or if they have a warrant from a judge. Under PA law they are not permitted to investigate crimes. This is indeed mostly unique to PA. In most states the Sheriff has full law enforcement powers, and in much of the south the Sheriff is the primary law enforcement agency responding to 911 calls in rural areas. Here that function is filled by PSP.

The only state with less powerful sheriffs that I know of is Delaware. DE Sheriffs can't make arrests or carry firearms.


somberblurb t1_jcmqv5g wrote

I would support a requirement to keep pay the same, but even then businesses will catch up with this by slashing benefits or cutting raises until their labor costs balance out.

The only way this works is economics. Hopefully, if a law like this was passed, it would make labor more scarce, and therefore increase the price of labor. Supply and demand.


somberblurb t1_jamvaum wrote

Despite all the fluff/nonsense in the article, it seems that this is the only action the parent is taking:

> Thankfully, parents have strong parental rights here in Pennsylvania. Chapter four of the Pennsylvania School Code authorizes parents or guardians to "have their children excused from specific instruction that conflicts with their religious beliefs." 

I agree with this law and would support a lawsuit if it was violated. I don't know what else this parent would have to complain about.


somberblurb t1_jamr43x wrote

The mom is just trying to opt out of part of the curriculum. You don't have to agree with this parent, but that's the point. Every parent has this right, and it makes it so you can trust the schools won't teach your kids things you disagree with either way. If the school was pushing "Judeo-Christian morals," parents could and should opt out of that too.


somberblurb t1_irp1adg wrote

Others have explained the Township system.

Here are some more helpful notes about PA local governments:

  • Boroughs are carved out of Townships but are independent from Townships. They're usually more densely populated but not always. They're like small cities/towns. Sometimes the dense population spills over into adjacent Townships.

  • Cities are less common but are also carved out of Townships and independent from Townships. There's also one Town in the state which is basically a City.

  • Villages are purely geographic, they have no governmental/administrative functions

  • Philadelphia is a combined "city of the first class" and county.

  • Basically, townships, boroughs, and cities are all municipalities. Counties are divided into municipalities. Every square inch of PA is in both one municipality and one county.

  • School districts are organized along municipal borders but are independent of municipal/county governments. They sometimes cross county lines. The School District of Philadelphia is the exception; their school board is appointed by the Mayor.

  • No, Pennsylvania does not "have Townships because we're a Commonwealth." I hear this from people who have lived here awhile and it makes no sense. Virginia and Kentucky are Commonwealths and have very few governmental units besides counties.