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Melissajoanshart t1_jdtxolg wrote

Philly has a world famous water works. We’re one of the first. Besides the corporate pigs poisoning our wells our tap water system is great even with wooden logs as pipes. You obviously haven’t enjoyed philly tap in your life.


BrainWav t1_jdtxuuz wrote

No, no I haven't. When I was in college, drinking the tap water made me feel sick. Filtering it through a Brita helped, but it still had a funky taste. When I visit family in Manayunk or get water at any restaurant, it has that same funky taste, and that's through a filter as well.


internetonsetadd t1_jduu10n wrote

Water in Wynnefield Heights, Somerton, Rhawnhurst, and Bustleton all tasted like worms cooking on pavement to me. Grew up on it, hated it. I split time between the city and suburbs, which is probably why I noticed the nasty taste. I trust the water from a quality standpoint, but the flavor was ass all over.