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TransFattyAcid t1_jdojm3y wrote

Yeah, I think going to vegan-focused events was a bad idea. Pet-related events would be a much better idea because most pet owners understand livestock animals can be treated well (not that most of them are).

Of course, most pet-owning vegans don't admit how hypocritical they are or that their beloved PETA wants to eradicate pets.


RealLiveKindness t1_jdor85s wrote

Not a black & white issue. Domesticated animals are a fact of life. Vegans wear woolen jackets, some eat eggs. PETA has done a lot to improve the lot of farm animals. I don’t know what the solution is, but I know if you want to raise empathetic, thoughtful kids time spent in the presence of domestic animals helps.


TransFattyAcid t1_jdovc1i wrote

It's not a black and white issue, I agree. But vegan extremists, like most of /r/vegan, can't admit that. A video of a guy eating eggs from chickens he's met, know are family pets, and see are well cared for? BURN THE WITCH.


Herr_Quattro t1_jdp20uy wrote

Holy shit, that entire sub is full of people that give veganism a bad name. The elitism and snobbery is off the charts…


theSG-17 t1_jdqniw4 wrote

Veganism is bad with or without the extremists. It's unnatural, unhealthy, and bad for the environment.


owleealeckza t1_jdpbacw wrote

Vegans don't eat eggs. Some vegetarians do. Vegans don't consume animal products. Some vegetarians do. Vegan & vegetarian don't mean the same thing. I don't understand why people think they do. It's not like pop & soda, they are completely different terms with different meanings.


TransFattyAcid t1_jdpg7sd wrote

100% on your specific points, but there is still nuance and disagreement. Many vegans own and feed obligate carnivores. Not all vegans are comfortable eating figs that need pollination. There are varied opinions on zoos.


SeptasLate t1_jdpl9o1 wrote

I mean sure but there are people i know that are vegan except for their use of local honey. Are they no longer vegan because of this one exception?


owleealeckza t1_jdptzsg wrote

Honey is something that isn't agreed upon as to whether it's vegan or not. Some vegans say it depends on how the bees are kept. Others say its still an "animal" product & shouldn't be consumed by humans at all. Most vegans I've known don't eat honey.

Vegans don't eat meat (including fish), dairy products, or use other animal products like bones, organs, etc. AFAIK honey is the only thing that's debated.


tmaenadw t1_jdrcpb9 wrote

PETA are terrorists. Their end goal is no domestic animals, and they believe my dog is better off dead. They ran an animal shelter in a southern state and stole dogs out of back yards and euthanized them.

I am plant based for health reasons, I use some leather, don’t care what kind of milk you drink, and while I don’t care if you eat meat, I think it should be raised and slaughtered humanely with an eye on how some animal agriculture affects the environment. (Not a fan of the giant ponds of pig poo maintained by some of the giant pig farms.)

If you never interact with animals, and they are only pictures in a book, it’s easy to justify poor treatment.


RealLiveKindness t1_jdrhu2g wrote

You make a good point. Big difference between reading about & actually interacting with animals. This is what I was really trying to say earlier. Hard to relate just reading or watching a video. Nothing like feeling their fur, petting, feeding, caring for & having some responsibility for another being.


NotNowDamo t1_jdqf9e4 wrote

>Vegans wear woolen jackets, some eat eggs.

This would make them non Vegans.

I agree. The guy shouldn't have thought bringing domestic animals to a vegan event was a good idea.

Unfortunately, I eat WFPB, so these events appeal to me. But, I try not to be involved in the vegan philosophy. Now, if I were to attend (which I won't be for distance and other reasons), I would feel I would be showing the extremists that I agree with them.


RealLiveKindness t1_jdqfydv wrote

The vegans I know wear wool but not leather, interesting.


NotNowDamo t1_jdqg2qc wrote

Vegans I know would call them abusers.


RealLiveKindness t1_jds1pb6 wrote

Moderation in life is key. Would not trade anything for what I consider true friendships I have had with animals in my life. Hard to lose my last dog he was one in a million.


Tria821 t1_jdr3y3x wrote

I am unfamiliar with that acronym. What does WFPB stand for in this context?


NotNowDamo t1_jdr6a6j wrote

Whole food plant based.

Basically vegan, but for health reasons instead of moral objections.