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porksoda11 t1_irb53xl wrote

The Q-anon Anonymous guys just did a podcast about this tour, it's worth a listen. It's pretty batshit.


Jef_Wheaton t1_irbc3tf wrote

Im listening to the one about Mastriano right now. I knew he was a nut. I didn't know he's a stark raving lunatic who thinks there are lizard people in government.


Boxercrew4 t1_irbk8oi wrote

Do you know the date of that episode? I l want to listen and share it with my husband.


Jef_Wheaton t1_ircf83k wrote

Episode 205, "Q Pilled Midterms featuring Ryan Briggs", released yesterday.


porksoda11 t1_irbn357 wrote

Oh man I have to check this new one out. I've really enjoyed how they have all grown as journalists over the years. I naively thought all that Q shit would be gone after Trump lost the election, and boyyyy I was wrong lol.


Dispatcher12 t1_irbjowc wrote

Yep. Makes me real comfortable to be in a town where his sign is on so many yards.


Jef_Wheaton t1_ircfxx0 wrote

I just came back from a work trip to Buffalo, via rural Meadville area. Madtriano signs EVERYWHERE. (It's hilarious that my phone autocorrects to "Madtriano", so I'm leaving it. It corrects "on" to "in" all the time, which I hate.)