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t1_irguock wrote

If someone comes up and says "Call me Rob or else"... that's a threat and that's the game these people play.


t1_irhvlvb wrote

Lol, literally nobody is doing that. They’re asking you to just use their pronouns, and you’re being an obstinate asshole.


t1_iri8wem wrote

And when you refuse they throw tantrums and try to ruin your life. That's thuggery.


t1_irjxvcv wrote

…..or you could just, not be a dick to people? It’s not like it’s a hard ask. If you’re talking to them, you wouldn’t even use their preferred pronouns. If you’re talking to someone else about them, is it REALLY that much to just use “she/he” instead of “he/she”?

Be kind to people.


t1_irk41pg wrote

Unless they refuse to speak the way you want them to, then destroy their careers. Right?


t1_irkqvd7 wrote

If you have to be mandated to not be an asshole to people, so be it. It’s really not that big of a deal, just don’t be a dick? Why is that so hard?


t1_irl1w9k wrote

"Waaah, teacher didn't use my pronouns! He didn't validate my ego! Crucify him! Destroy his career! Ruin him financially! I deserve to be OBEYED!"

That's what you defend. You think you're being so moral but you have no problem destroying a person's life just to stroke your own ego. Who's the dick?


t1_irlc9p2 wrote

Yeah that teacher sounds like an asshole and a child. It doesn’t affect you in the slightest if someone asks to use X pronouns. You’re just whining that people call you an asshole. Don’t be an asshole. Be like Bill and Ted.