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MetaphysicalMayhem t1_irv3qsn wrote

Vote for Oz, MAGAs! Lol. He’s still a Turkish citizen, practices Islam, lives in New Jersey, and made tens of millions hawking quack cures to people like you because, you know, heart surgeons are underpaid and he wasn’t happy with just three houses and needed 7 more. Mehmet (Turkish for Mohammed) deeply understands and appreciates the struggles of Pennsylvania’s working families.

I’m voting for Fetterman, the son of teenage parents who has devoted his life to public service in PA and lifting up Pennsylvanians. He’s about the most down to earth political candidate I’ve ever seen.


lilpufferfish t1_irvbr7w wrote

Oz sucks but I do detect a bit of Islamophobia in your post. Not a good look.


Avaisraging439 t1_irvlg0d wrote

They were being ironic, right wing people are claiming Islam is taking over America and they are pretty against any religion but their own. They wouldn't want to vote for someone who has a background counter to their religion.


pocketbookashtray t1_irvqyzo wrote

Leftists are racists. Every one of them. Here’s the proof. Fetterman’s entire campaign is one anti-immigrant rant.


worstatit t1_irvtoxj wrote

People from New Jersey are not immigrants, but carpetbagging opportunists.


BurghPuppies t1_irw4r08 wrote

So the post of one person on Reddit, pointing out the GOP’s hypocrisy in both stirring fear of other cultures & religions while also putting up a non-Christian foreign citizen as a senate candidate is proof that all leftists are racists? I think someone needs a dictionary for Christmas.

Oh, and FWIW, 50% of most recent DNC attendees were people of color wanna guess minority attendance at the Republican Convention?

Nope, even lower than that: 6%

But SO nice of you to tell people of color what’s best for them. Very helpful. Massa.


pocketbookashtray t1_iry4s6q wrote

The Democrats goal is to keep minorities dependent on the government. That’s the most racist policy that any party has ever held. So sorry your echo-chamber has explained that to you.


BurghPuppies t1_irygw3x wrote

No, that’s YOUR narrative. Opinions aren’t facts, Cletus.


BurghPuppies t1_iryh1ao wrote

Oh, so then you’re saying minorities are stupid for believing Dems lies, then?


mcs0301 t1_irw6xmh wrote

Lol...dude thinks people from Jersey are immigrants. Please tell me you don't vote.


wildturkeydrank t1_irv98im wrote

Don’t stoop to their level


MetaphysicalMayhem t1_irys2zw wrote

Well, it’s really odd for a US senator to hold dual citizenship, and especially citizenship in a geopolitically mostly hostile state. I’m tired of treasonous leaders who think places like Russia, or Hungary, or even Turkey are great examples because they’re run by “strong men.”


Budgiedad t1_irvdgpf wrote

This sounds exactly like one of those ever-so-entertaining black and white attack adds before the local news. (Spoken in a deep raspy voice) -“Mehmet Oz isn’t even a real American. As a Muslim, we’re not sure he’s not a terrorist. Would you trust your family in the hands of a real estate tycoon terrorist quack?” (In a nice happy voice) - “Fetterman loves his family, Pennsylvania, and most of all - Jesus. He only owns one home and you can tell he’s a good guy cuz he wears hoodies like a true blue Pennsylvanian.”


pocketbookashtray t1_irvqumm wrote

Typical racist rant from the left. You should join the LA city council.


MetaphysicalMayhem t1_irykonv wrote

“Racist.” “Left.” Whatever. I’ll tell you what, though. What should be really entertaining is to watch PA establish itself as a full-on MAGA economy. MAGAs hiring MAGAs. (Contractors employing illegal immigrants hiring contractors doing the same? Lol). No high-tech manufacturing base (all manufacturing is high-tech now) or 21st century economy. 80% of the smart young people moving to … Colorado or WA or CA (yep, CA just became the world’s 5th biggest economy). PA was just starting to climb out of its rust-belt years. Now it’s aging rapidly and will end up even poorer and more dysfunctional, bitter and sad if it goes full-on MAGA. Fetterman represents hope.