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hachijuhachi t1_itchw95 wrote

That’s all you got? Here I was hoping I was up against someone with some real evidence, something beyond a baseless claim. But then you switched gears to “you’re dumb” and now I’m honestly a little disappointed.

What I haven’t seen is any voter fraud with my own two eyes. So I gotta depend on reports of others. And see, the only others who claim that there is “rampant” voter fraud, even voter fraud that amounts to anything more than a handful of republicans who tried voting multiple times (shame they didn’t realize this really isn’t an effective way to impact the outcome of an election). Those who do claim that there was voter fraud have been the last president, who lost the election and has a reputation that, let’s just say, calls his credibility into some question, and those who support him.

Wouldn’t it be better for you guys to say “ok. You know what? We lost that one. It sucks. But let’s find someone else who can continue the things we liked about the last president (who lost) and leave some of the things we didn’t like behind?” Find a new standard bearer that more people will take seriously. All these voter fraud claims make the claimants look like sore losers.

Can’t you find me one reputable, unbiased report of rampant voter fraud? One?